Bayonetta is one of the worst games I've ever played. Gameplay is fine. Characters are meh except Bayonetta. Some boss fights are really good and some really terrible, and I fucking hate the final boss fight and it's design. There are a few redeeming qualities but they are overshadowed by the shitty boss fights and story.
Never gonna play it again. Hope the sequel is better

port sucks mad gorrila dick!!! but MGS is Back! I'm so happy to see this Franchise which was almost erased from Existence come back to Life! Can't Wait for Volume 2 and Delta: Snake Eater

I Love the soundtrack and the memes

Beautiful men, beautiful message, graphics, beautiful song , beautiful voice, beautiful game.

Someone had to write codes for the jiggle physics. Think about that.

The only game where the swords actually cuts.

One of the greatest single player expierence

First I played 10% of game on Fitgirl Repack then a brought it from Steam

Boring and uninteresting story with tedious gameplay but good atmosphere.

One of the best stories ever told through the medium of videogames

Closest thing to Uncharted we ever got on PC

This review was written before the game released

I hope this game fails. And Konami either bring back Kojima or gives all the MGS Licenses, Copyrights and Patents to Kojima Productions. So, they could work on Remakes and New Metal Gear IPs


Would love to play Devil May Cry 3 again with graphics and fluidity of Devil May Cry 5

Gameplay is boring and irritating +Bad story and bad characters