8 reviews liked by Grumpbags

Fox Hunt is one of my favorite FMV games now. Constantly fluctuating between the states of "we're so back" and "it's so incredibly over" in ways quite unparalleled. Bouncing back and forth between an adventure game starring the world's dumbest 3 stooges character, bumbling around his apartment, smacking his fridge like a complete dumbass, all the way to a terrible hospital maze where you have to navigate it under constant time pressure given the rocket wheelchair you're on.

It's just a constant bit a minute, like Naked Gun in video game form even if some of the jokes don't land.

Now don't get it twisted, this ain't no Illbleed this shit ain't gonna make you think about what makes something truly standout within the video game space, but it is wild how many small little choices, scene differences, things you can miss are hidden throughout this. Capcom essentially giving this team the greenlight to make this wacky as fuck little FMV game where shit like this happens with all of these licensed song picks is something special in its own unique kinda way.

It's funny, it's wild as hell, Rob Lowe shows up and has a skyfall gunfight with you with his many dopplegangers and it is the funniest shit I've seen. They start doing Looney Tunes ass shit at you and it's just a fuckin trip.

Something inside of me kinda wants more weird off the wall dumb as hell FMV games like this and they're kinda around but something about the dumbass goofy energy of the Sega CD/PS1 era of these will always sit somewhere in my mind in a really funny place.

Also genuinely the main actor for this kills this shit, he hams it up so hard and pretty much sells most of the silly ass dumb guy bits he rules. He's also Carlos in Zero Time Dilemma and the current voice actor for Johnny Cage which is legitimately an insane thing to find out and now you too reader know as well.

The Stockholm syndrome hadn't kicked in; so I wasn't invested in anything till the end

Maybe I don't actually hate platformers

Absolutely incredible. It takes a lot for a game to hook me so thoroughly, make me think, make me feel, and never lose my attention, even when it is purposefully repetitive.

Some of the best combat in a fantasy rpg, really robust character creator, really looking forward to future DLC, if it's anything like Dark Arisen was it may be 5/5.

Overall, They're masterworks all you can't go wrong.

Still not sure if I dreamt this or not.

insanely badass and funny game
The game just oozes charm, has amzing atmosphere, surprisingly has a good amount of variety in weapons and I love Daniel Fortesque so much.
the camera can be a bit wonky sometimes and some of the chalices are annoying to get but man this game is so good

The more of this I play, the more I realize this is an un-reviewable video game.

The emotional equivalent of the coolest, nicest, hottest people you know asking you to help them move and paying you with pizza. Rebirth has some of the most satisfying real time RPG combat with one of the best ensembles in video game history-- all shoved into a bizarrely designed approximation of a "modern" open-world game.

Reflecting on FF7's world map, the openness was more of a feeling than literal design. It wasn't until you got the Highwind near the finale of the original game that you could actually go anywhere you wanted.

Rebirth, ironically, is best when it's on the rails. There are some fun side quests here and there, but there is so much fluff that it genuinely feels like half of the world map activities were designed out of spite.

Ultimately, I am such an unabashed FF7 fan that even if part three is complete garbage, I will still be grateful that this remake trilogy exists. The characters all feel like fully realized versions of themselves, and there are moments of Rebirth that are high points for Final Fantasy overall. It's just a shame that somewhere within Square Enix they felt that a 10/10 story-driven linear action game needed to be shoved into another genre that doesn't feel built around Rebirth's strengths.