Came for the thighs, stayed for the tears


Much less fun as an adult, but still a Jak game.

Weakest on story but set the bar for bombastic and epic trials for the future.

Hilarious game - even if some of the puzzles lean a little too much into "adventure game logic."

Introduced my favorite weapon in the series, the Bouncer.

Doctor Nefarious is the most fun Ratchet villain.

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In spite of myself I liked it. I admit it, I just wanted Tidus and Yuna together.

Another DQ game I abandoned because these games are way too long.

Couldn't keep up with the price of new expansions.

Excellent sequel, kind of hilarious how bad the comic book art style looks compared to Persona 5 though. In this game's defense, it came out 15 years before Persona 5 and what it does well it does REALLY well.

This game got me through a decent amount of horny teenager phase.

If nothing else play it for "Katamari on the Swing."

Only played on an emulator and got pretty far but never fully completed. This was the last generation I really cared to play.

This fixed a lot of issues from the previous generation and made a lot of major improvements.