I suck so bad at these kinds of games but I enjoyed playing the easy mode version. Another core memory of mine is shouting "TIME AND HONOR ARE BOTH BEING WASTED" to my sleeping friend Patrick.

It's thanks to this game I know about the song 99 Red Balloons.

I stopped playing around the time one of my brother's friends led me deep into the PK area, killed me, and stole all my stuff.

Adorable animation, but gameplay lost my interest very fast.

Great idea for a combat system for a PS1 JRPG. Too bad the translation is really weak (if unintentionally hilarious from time to time).

The lack of quick saves during combat was eventually a dealbreaker. I also kind of hated the transition from "liberate the coded Jew characters from a concentration camp" immediately to "you've earned a beach episode."

Played a campaign with friends in their apartment in Japan until 4 in the morning. I'll never forget it.

Spent so many mornings on the bus to school playing this and unlocking everything. I really liked the story, it was a surprisingly melancholic tone for a game that was oriented to children at a surface level.

Another game abandoned due to constant computer crashes. I enjoyed what I played though.

Oddly enough the thing I remember the most is Fort Condor. Yuffie is basically a 2000s-era lolxd le random stereotype time capsule but the gameplay was fun.

All I remember is that I really enjoyed what I played of this. I think another game came out that I wanted to play more or something but I never went back to finish this one.

It's definitely "the best" of the trilogy and the one my siblings and I played the most, but my heart still sees the original entry as my favorite.

Decent ending - gameplay maybe stretched a bit too thin with all of the extra characters but overall pretty solid.

One of my first management sims and probably what made me love them in the first place.

Got stuck on one of the tutorial battles - skill issue