The whole professor part of the game felt a little slow but everything else about the game was really good

I love this game but I did not like aiming with the touch screen and trying to reach all the buttons at the same time. I hope they make a sequel or a remake for a non-handheld console

Awesome new fromsoft ip. Fun new spin on their approach to soulslikes. Good story. Good combat

Your vampire is in another castle

Goofy game. Trolls run rampant

Enjoyed the engage mechanic. Break in this game felt really good. Story is solid. Final boss fight was wild.

Loved the level design. Music was great. Fludd was a fun mechanic. Classic.

Amazing visuals, combat felt really good. Good story.

Really makes you feel bad for killing them. Fantastic boss fights. Good story.

Only played base game. Combat was really fun. Did not like the amount of paid story dlc.