I love this game but I did not like aiming with the touch screen and trying to reach all the buttons at the same time. I hope they make a sequel or a remake for a non-handheld console

Great MH game, made it feel more mmo-like especially with the kulve taroth raid and new gathering hub. Loved all the new monsters as well.

First FE game. Loved the pair up mechanic

Boat mechanic got stale real fast imo.

Parkour felt amazing other than minor hiccups with grabbing onto pipes

Danganronpa. Killed my favorite character.

One of my personal top 3 FF games. Great story. Great combat. Love a lot of the character design.

Wirebugs are a very fun mechanic. The mobility is awesome. Didn't feel like there was enough postgame content other than grinding research levels

FFX was fantastic story-wise and combat-wise. FFX-2 combat didn't feel good, haven't beat it

Only played base game. Combat was really fun. Did not like the amount of paid story dlc.