72 Reviews liked by Halfpack2

A phenomenal game that went beyond my wildest expectations. The understanding of what makes exploration and progression fun gave the opportunity to have every moment in the game be fun. No other game could I say I had fun almost every second of. An open world that's truly worth exploring every inch.

Brilliant remaster!

I played the original game back on the PSP. This remaster added so many quality of life changes that improve the game by a lot. None of the mechanics are useless, they are simple but they just work. Huge props to the magic system!

The gil and exp multiplier make it easier to grind and I am glad they added it. The arrangment OST, especially the Chaos Shrine, is top tier. All in all a very good remaster.

I downloaded and played this game in high school exclusively so I could force people to watch me play it so they'd think I was weird. Little did I know that I didn't need to performatively play this game for people to think that, since my voltron legendary defender home screen would have been enough to convince them.

Anyway, this game is not very fun, it's mostly just force feeding this poor freak of nature food until he gets enough energy to talk to you seemingly forever. I never saw much of a deviation in gameplay while playing it, although I admit I didn't get super far in it since I'd only ever play it when someone seemed like they wanted to engage with me. I'd pull my phone out, start shoving carrots down my equestrian partner's gullet and making him run on a treadmill, and then angle my phone in such a way that the person trying to make an honest human connection to me would see enough of the screen to ask what I was playing. I would then start a conversation about the game, literally lying about some aspects of it to make it sound more bizarre, not make any new friends, and then feel proud of myself believing to have weirded out one of my supposed enemies.

So, in conclusion, this game is good if you're trying to repel people from you, but not so good for much else. So only really give it a try if you like voltron legendary defender, I guess.

I don't usually replay games but i felt like playing Mario. This game is better and more satisfying than I remember. It's flawed as the level design is good but not memorable and the coin theme is very satisfying but overall useless. That said, it still feels GOOD.

I like this one way more than I should. Something about being able to play through a fun little game in 30 minutes is really nice. The Game Boy is full of that, and I really like it. The gravity in this game is really weird, but the rest of the game makes up for it. I actually prefer it over its sequel.

In terms of gameplay, I think this is probably the worst one - the phantom animatronics alone make it so. But Springtrap is one of my favorite villains ever made. I love the lore and I adore the design so much; Scott never topped this guy and I doubt ever could. Or anyone for that matter.

Only played this version, used motion controls only.

Probably the safest Zelda game ever made, besides the addition of motion controls, it follows the Zelda formula to the letter, that might not be enough for some but I had a pretty good time.
Sure it doesn't do nothing too fresh, but it compensates for that with some of the best dungeons, overwolds and puzzles in a Zelda game, everything is super refined, there's always a cool gimmick, and the environments keep spicing things up even when you return to the same place.

The combat and motion controls are a hit & miss, feel great when they work, but when they don't its annoying.
Want to block? You might end up doing a somersault attack instead.
I still haven't figured it out how duels against Ghirahim work after finishing the game, my best strat was to flail my arm like a possessed gmod ragdoll and hope for the best...

This game's story aims to begin the entire Zelda timeline, the very first Link & Zelda, no Ganon yet, why this cycle keeps repeating, sure it explains all that but it doesn't do anything particularly interesting with it...
(Except maybe a small detail with the master sword that may or may not be relevant in ToK)
The main antagonist Ghirahim, unlike Ganon, at least has the consideration to occasionally show up throughout the game, which is nice and something I wish Ganon did.

Overall a solid Zelda game.

Skyward Sword has a fatal sin though:
Why does Link wear the legendary green cone hat?
That was supposed to be explained in the Minish Cap!
Link shouldn't wear a hat here! Why ruin the Minish Cap thing!?

0 out of 10, Skyward Sword? More like Scrapyard Poor.
Worse than CDI Zelda, shame.

While not my favorite in the franchise, this is where things begin firing on all cylinders and there's actually, you know, some story.

greatest game of all time please play it

This is the fan favorite for a reason. Love this game.

mystery dungeon games always hit different

The US confederacy lasted 4 years
Matpat has been making FNAF videos for 8 years
Like this post if you think that all Confederate statues should be replaced with Matpat

This game initially disappointed me cause at the time I just wanted another Arkham so bad that I didn't really see this as its own thing. Well not anymore. I love this game for what it is, as Spider-Man game, and a damn good one at that.

Biggest complaint with this one is that stealth is just superfluous the entire game. There's never a scenario where you don't have to fight a wave or multiple waves of enemies following a stealth section, so really it only serves to easily take down a few guys. On top of that, it's just not very interesting.

But the combat is awesome. The fact you can just stay up in the air that long and dominate a small army is very satisfying. Also gotta love all the costumes. I tend to be unimpressed with video game costumes and usually just stick to default, but there are so many amazing ones here. Helps that the default one actually doesn't really appeal to me.