72 Reviews liked by Halfpack2

How am I supposed to review Tetris? Tetris is Tetris.

It's no Dr. Mario but I also see no real reason to not give this five stars? There's not really anything wrong with this game at all. It's just your thing or not your thing.

Edit: I changed my mind. Tetris just isn't really for me.

This is my favorite video game. Not only do I adore everything about this game - story, character, world design, art direction, gameplay, music, Nightwing - but this game, in the long run, changed my life. I'm not gonna go on a big spiel about it cause that's not the vibe right now, but it really affected my life and continues to. Batman has gone on to become my favorite character in fiction, and has become a gateway for so many other things I love. I will Batman Forever love this game.

Every bit as good as Black Flag, with the added bonus of massacaring The French

Chaotic mess that I for some reason love.

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Yakuza 3 Remastered it's a game, the third entry in the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku series and fourth entry chronologically speaking. On that I think everybody can agree pretty much.

Me, personally, I have to say that this game is "an experience". It's really hard to say if it is a really bad good game or a really good bad game, it sits in between which is also kind of ironic since it's also the "in-between" point in the franchise were it evolved from the ambitious games from the PS2 era to the style the franchise is most known for. On that fact alone, Yakuza 3 does deserve certain recognition for being sort of a testing ground of ideas that would work better later, kinda like Shenmue but not dry and lame and f-cking boring.

Having mentioned the good stuff, this game is one of the weirdest things you can ever play in a "bad good" way. It's not a train-wreck or anything (don't expect Sonic 2006), but the whole thing is so jarring and theres such a huge disconnect between main plot, the B-plots, the story progression and the gameplay that it just keeps you wondering and wondering what the f-ck were the writer/s doing. The plot basically could be summed up in "Villain wants a lot in Okinawa where Kiryu has his orphanage", yet there's so much unnecesary stuff around it: there's a whole political subplot around two politicians clashing about building a resort vs building a military base in Okinawa, a doppleganger of Kiryu's step dad that starts shooting people, a weapons dealer infiltrated in the CIA even though the CIA is after him so they should know his face but whatever, a main villain whose motivation is not really clear even after it is explained (he wants to make money but doesn't care about money because who cares, we need a bad guy), and in between all that they shoe-horn stuff from the previous games because this was after all the third entry in the series.

I say play it and have fun wondering at the end of every chapter why the hell did they made the story progress the way it progressed when it does not make any f-cking sense.

are you fucking stupid? yoshis island

To me, this is the pinnacle of Nintendo's 2d platformers. I like it more than the mario games. Everything from the visuals, to the controls, to the music, to the incredible level design, to the huge amount of variety... it goes on.

this game is the peak of the yoshi series, one of the peaks of the mario series, and one of the peaks of the fourth generation of gaming. give it a shot!

On a side note, the baby crying is NOT as big of an issue as people say

Mushroom Kingdom, here we come.

This is what I like to call an "afternoon game". Simply put, game you start up and beat in a singular afternoon and don't have any reason to come back to. Because, yeah, I just don't have a reason to come back to it. Is this a bad game like so many have said? Nah, not really. But I'd only really say to play it once just to see what it's all about, then promptly forget about it.

I only got to the first credits sequence, but I think I have had my fill of this game for now at least.

Fun game but gets really annoying near the end seriously level 6-5 can suck my balls

I have... never actually played any of the FNAF games, but they've meant so much for me throughout the years, so I think I should review them anyway.

A humble start with an immaculate atmosphere. It succeeded at everything it set out to do. I get the dislike for this game, but I think it offers a lot, too.

I am so sorry to any video game which will release in 2023, because it will be so damn hard to top this.
It's just incredible, no dull moment.
Incredible gameplay, insane boss fights, MUSIC, it plays like a dream, writing and humor is on point, pacing is top. I am not gonna stop talking about this game until every person who is even midly interested in video games will play it.