Didn’t get into it that much myself but I appreciate it’s a good game

Looks like the simpleton escaped the asylum

The missions are way too linear as you get a mission failure if you try to experiment at all but the open world is amazing and it has a really great story

Pretty addictive and plenty of aspects I enjoy like deciding your inventory, thinking where to land and of course the building.

However game fellowf with all the npcs and stuff.


Loved the part with the spider and the kids, then it got really really boring for me.

An ending to a game has never had less of on an affect on me, I just finished it a turned it off without any impact whatsoever.

Guess playdeads games just aren’t for me :/

Fun wholesome fish game I promise

Wow quite surprised at the somewhat mixed reception to the dlc on here compared to main games.

Granted the new “hub” style of gameplay might get repetitive for you after staying in the same area for 40 minutes which can deliver tedious puzzles. However it helps to keep the dlc feel fresh and not just a re tread of the first game.

Overall the dlc is great though, cool new enemy’s and mechanics which deliver some of the scariest moments in the franchise for me.

And the ending I cri :(

The first game didn’t particularly need a sequel in my opinion but the sequel is still an amazing game, don’t see why you wouldn’t pick this up if you liked the first game.

Don’t even know what to say, you’ll hate it but you'll love it.

Great so far. The day and night cycle system is something I’ve always wanted from minecraft funnily enough. However I’m too scared to finish it.

Don’t get me started on this game. Is good me like.

Replayed the game recently and have some more positive thoughts compared to my first playthrough.

I love the first part of the game with many different threats like dogs, underwater monsters, people with guns ect, but despite the game being only 3 hours it becomes repetitive as the same threats are repeated over and over and in fact feels too long for me.

Then when you get past the sound wave area it’s mainly puzzles in the same grey area which gets so boring and repetitive to the point that I’m apathetic once the ending comes around.

However the sections that ARE good work well and the atmosphere is great when I’m not bored.