Let's be honest, the only reason everyone cared or cares about this game is because of Ellen Page.

Game had potential, but it updates so slooowly that one really loses interest in it after some time. A shame.

La jugabilidad deja que desear, pero más allá de eso y una utilización redundante de la simbología empleada en los enemigos no tengo muchas quejas, es decente.

A little better than the prequels but still.
Goodbye G.U. and goodbye .hack

Awesome game! Whoever thought about a pixel art metroidvania with Sakuya as protagonist is a genius!

Just a cashgrab, it has good gameplay but the AI being stupid doesn't help too much.

Fun fact: this game blatantly ripped off a lot of its maps from existing movies/games.
The map "Prison" has a portion thats the shower room from a movie called The Rock (1996) - https://youtu.be/c-_OTOkDtRk

The map "Mansion" is straight up the mansion from Devil May Cry 1 - https://youtu.be/FhhD7OVt_8c?t=424

The map "Dungeon" that is actually a quest map (meaning it has like 5 different stages to it you have to pass by) is literally Mines/Mountains of Moria from LOTR - https://youtu.be/Y2fwe0rnHak?t=89

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Good game.
The gameplay is solid but it really doesn't represent any challenge, probably because it's mostly a plot driven game. The characters have a lot of charisma and good characterization, you really see a dynamic between them. The plot was quite good up until the end, where they pull a dude who looks like Friend from "20th Century Boy" out of nowhere. It's almost as if the devs didn't knew how to end the game properly. Where did this guy come from? Why Shade's friend didn't suffer the same consequences because of his deal with Foam Gum? Really, this ending ruined the what would otherwise have been a solid 9/10.
Music and Art is quite good, so much that I bought the OST and "Artbook" too.

Why is this game so needlesly edgy?

The plot is really boring, long and melodramatic as one user mentioned, even when the combat is better and adds more mechanics, it's still very lacking. The deskopt is a lot better than before, more interactive and it feels less archaic than //infection. One would have thought they already learnt from previous games, but this feels like one step forward and two backwards, since the game has a lot of filler into it. Haseo is a really edgy character, at least Kite was a normal kid. But it's hard to take the game seriously at times with how melodramatic it is. The audio is very good, the graphics are also good, and the gameplay is bad (I said it was better than //infection, not that it was good). It aged very badly and most of the stuff of it seems to have been left for the sequels.
(edit): I forgot to mention about the new mechanic that kind of replaces the Data Drain from //Infection. It is so dull and repetitive that it makes me wonder. How? How do you take something this cool and fuck it so bad? I don't even want to play that minigame anymore.