Oh boy I wanted to like this game, however there are so many issues with it, firstly the framerate is horrendous, however I played on an emulator and it may be slightly better on PS3. Now the big one Gameplay was mid at best, aiming at times was so annoying as the character wouldn’t aim at the enemy and it felt so choppy and slow, the fact each character has one entrance to the quarantine zone is so stupid and annoying especially when you have to make your way through hordes of zombies, which gets boring and annoying for substories to get from point A to point B. Each character played the exact same which im not a huge fan of and I feel like each one could have had a unique ability,

Its such a shame that the gameplay sucks as the story was great and meeting characters again was great and when 2 characters meet up near the end it was easily the best moment of the game. Unlike your typical zombie game it was manmade and the main antagonist was interesting and made me hate him at the same time. Ryujis story was super sad at the end and developed his character a lot.

I hope this game gets a remake and fixes everything I had wrong with it and maybe get help from a dev team that makes 3rd person shooters, however for now I cant give it higher then a 3/5 mainly for the story carrying the entire game. It took about 28 hours to beat as I went for every substory which was fun as usually in these games, aside from running to the other side of the quarantine zone for lots of them.

You can beat the ever living shit out of kids.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 was one hell of an experience and the yakuza game I got the most completed in this is thanks to the substory finder which helped with completing every substory in the game. The gameplay was super fun and enjoyable however with one fighting style I thought it would get boring, but it didn’t and it was fresh the whole game with learning different abilities and weapons you get through the game. The graphics are incredible, and the game looks amazing all around, one issue is the pc port isn’t that good and I had to install a mod to help stabilize the game which I hate doing as I want the game as it was made but I just had to cause the frame rate wasn’t that good, aside that, no issues occurred with the game. Being able to walk into buildings with no loading screens is super cool and the dragon engine is incredible.

The story was so good with so many twists and turns in the story that made me shocked. The ending was so good, and the final stretch was great. The main antagonist Ryuji was super cool and intimidating and the fight with him was super cool. I loved all the characters in the main story most returning from Kiwami 1 which made it easier to know them and they are better then the first game.

The two main side content is the cabaret club and Majima construction. I only completed cabaret battle side story and it was super fun and addicting and all the platinum girls are interesting with their story. The music for this section the whole game in general as well was great and slapped way harder then it had any right too.

Substories are a key part and each on is different. The game has 74 substories and the last 4 are against super bosses and are super difficult to complete but the rest are easy to complete and the substories are really funny especially substory 1 but I don’t wanna talk about it as its super infamous and first hand experience is better.

Overall the game was incredible and I prefer it over kiwami 1

Game took me around 56 hours to beat. 4.5/5

enjoyed the game a lot was super fun, combat was fun and challenging at times graphics are pretty good, Issue i have is the last mission reuses bosses similar to DMC which I also had issues with however aside that the game was super enjoyable.

I loved this game from start to finish, I loved everything about it, the characters, the story, the music to even the gameplay even though its very simple. The story was very emotional and made me nearly cry at the end with how it wrapped up. I didnt expect for the game to be as good as it was but holy shit was I wrong I want to go through the game again and go for 100% completiotion, and i rarely do that for visual novels but I just loved the game that much. It is by far the one of the most unique games I have ever played and I dont think there will be another game like it any time soon.

Insert Steve Harvey clip saying he's gonna kill himself

Great Ending and not to long but not to short. Give me more Kaito RGG or I riot

As someone who vagely grew up with TMNT, Shredders revenge was a fun surprise I played with my younger brother and had a blast with the game. The graphics were great and I love the detail in the backgrounds of the game. Gameplay was very fun and overall it was a great beat em up.While the game was very short it still took me 3 or so hours to beat and I played with my younger brother so that could of been why it took more time as well. Overall great small beat em up and one of the better ones I have played. 3.5/5


Very fun puzzle game, however very short even if going for 100%

Played 2 games super laggy and so boring, just play smash bros

Coffee talk was a nice relaxing and stress free game. Very similar to Va-11 halla with good characters and several stories going on and at the end it concludes all of them nicely art style was great and music was good. Overall it was fun and it took me about 3.5 hours to 100% but it was fun the whole way through 3.5/5

Doug Doug made me buy this game

This review contains spoilers

The Great AA Chronicles:Holy shit where do I begin, this was my last two games before completely finishing the series (as of June 13th 2022) and I can say this game was fucking incredible.

Where do I begin I guess I should start with characters and wow what a great introduction to the new characters from Herlock to Gina, they were all written great, the music was incredible which I expect from the series. Lord Van Ziekes as a rival prosecutor was an incredible rival for the games with and incredible theme behind it and has a huge mystery behind him with him being called The Reaper Of The Bailey as everyone who has gotten an acquittal has died mysteriously which all gets solved by the final case of the second game. Gameplay was usual AA affair however with there being multiple witnesses you can see how others react during cross examinations in order to get more information which is such a nice feature from Layton vs AA. Another mechanic the games adds is the Dance of deduction where Herlock points out several things about a witness and they look about and when he gets something wrong you must point it out, Herlock isn’t dumb in this case he is getting things wring to help you improve as a lawyer. The final big gameplay change is a jury, the jury will determine if your client is guilty or not and during points they will all go for a guilty verdict, at this point you have to perform a judicial examination against them which is like the cross examination, but this time you will need point out statements that contradict each other pitting them against each other and making them change their vote in your favour so the trial can continue. The story was great especially the second game and how it wrapped all the mysteries from the first and second and so many twists and turns in the final case was shocking and I didn’t see where the game was going in the last 3 hours, but I loved it. While not really a big issue I should complain about the dialog can be tricky to read at times due to the game being set in Britain they have over the top accents making words hard to read at times, like Naruhodo being changed to ‘Oddo but that’s simple to read but some others took a few reads to understand (saying as a Brit myself), however this is for like 2-3 characters as each has a different accents while the rest each one is easy to read so it is a very minor pick I decide to pick out.

However overall, these two games were both incredible and the ending to the second game made me almost cry with the way everything wrapped up and, you know if your player gets emotional during the ending of a game cause they won’t see the characters again with fresh interactions you have truly made some fantastic characters. While I doubt, we will get a third games in the Great Ace Attorney series I would love if Capcom somehow find a way to make TGAA 3 or even a 7th instalment in the mainline series.

Best played with mods but still fun