Where do I begin, as someone who has never played an MGS game due to not being a fan of stealth games. I loved this game, there may have been some things I may not of understood, (I know the very basics of MGS) the game was fun. Story was basic and nothing compared to MGS from what iv heard. Some fantastic bosses as well as music that went hard. The gameplay is so fun as a hack n slash with tactics required as combat can be hard at times with 3 or more BIG enemies coming at you at once. however it took me 5 hours to beat it which to me is to short for a game, aside that I had no issues with the game at all and it was amazing from start to finish.

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Best played with mods but still fun

Very fun fast paced action game, controls were very smooth. Graphics were pretty good and some parts were challenging at times, short missions but there were a lot of them. The pace was always going and bosses were very fun.

enjoyed the game a lot was super fun, combat was fun and challenging at times graphics are pretty good, Issue i have is the last mission reuses bosses similar to DMC which I also had issues with however aside that the game was super enjoyable.

I loved this game to death, the game is fucking amazing, bosses are some of Fromsofts best and the game looks drop dead gorgeous I loved every single bit of the game, combat is the classic FS difficulty with some very challenging bosses and I struggled at the start but as I got stronger and learned the way the game worked more I fell in love with the game. Some bosses were to easy and I do wish there was level scaling so you dont destroy bosses in the early game after coming back, however some bosses were extremely challenging like the final boss. It was a great fight and super exciting the further I got into the fight. My biggest issue with the game is that the frame rate isnt the best and it dips lots, this is a general issue with FS games, which I truly hope they fix in the future.

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My favourite AA game to date, I LOVED this game and wish I had the time to play it more. The game is a masterpiece. From everything from the music to the characters to the story were incredable and the main villian was great (unfortunatly i got it spoiled) but characters I thought I hated turned around especially sebastion who I hated but after we found out what happened to him and how he his father bascially abused him everything turned around for me. Case 3 was amazing and made me cry a lot. Raymond Shields is the best character in the series IMO. In case 3 he realises he was wrong to blame Edgeworth for siding with Von Karma, which is something that would usually happen at the end of the game. Raymond shields is probably the most human character and most forgiven with the way he treats edgeworth after case 3 and he is extremly caring. The writing was great and the translation team did a fantastic job. The new mechanic "Logic Chess" is great and requires lots of thinking from the player to find the truth in the case. Every case also fits together perfectly and all ties into the story perfectly.

IDK how to feel, part of me knows this game is better then the first game. But there are a few issues I have with the game, the first bulk of the game was paced greatly however come to chapter 5 pacing goes to a snails pace, and some puzzles were pretty bad, however I cant blame them with 153 puzzles. That being said the story was MUCH better then the first and it made me pretty emotional with the ending, Which doesnt really happen with games for me. Overall I would say it is better then the first game.

everything about this is an imporvement, and one of the few games to make me cry. The story is amazing and the new content is some of the best content iv got from a game. Even if you have played the OG P5 I highly reccomend playing this game.