Played 2 games super laggy and so boring, just play smash bros

As someone who vagely grew up with TMNT, Shredders revenge was a fun surprise I played with my younger brother and had a blast with the game. The graphics were great and I love the detail in the backgrounds of the game. Gameplay was very fun and overall it was a great beat em up.While the game was very short it still took me 3 or so hours to beat and I played with my younger brother so that could of been why it took more time as well. Overall great small beat em up and one of the better ones I have played. 3.5/5

Very fun basic puzzle game, very unique as well and the last puzzle was brain scratching but super cool when I finally figured it out. Very short however so wait for price drop

Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of the original Yakuza released in 2005, and the game was incredible, while not as fun and enjoyable as 0 it was still an incredible fun game, from the story to the substories I enjoyed every minute of the game. Majima everywhere had me laughing at some of the costumes he would be in as it would just be the most random stuff possible. The upgrade system is better then 0 Imo as you will get exp and use that to level up abilities and it would be much easier to get abilities as it is split into 4 sections (1 of which you need to fight Majima to upgrade) but you can max out easily especially now that each fighting style is under 1 upgrade wheel. The health one is super important to upgrade as some enemies later on can deal lots of damage, the heat wheel is also important to allow you to perform heat actions and there are a lot of them.

Overall while the story was not as enjoyable as 0, the gameplay was just as good as 0 was. I highly recommend playing this game.


Very fun puzzle game, however very short even if going for 100%

Yakuza 0 was way more then what I initially thought, I first heard of the series from my online friends talking about the different games through the series and seeing them talk about it on discord got me interested in the games. Then I got gifted Yakuza 0 and I had to wait to have time to play it but I decided to play it during college and work. So I had to take long breaks from the game which made me miss the game even though it was shortish breaks of about 5-6 days.

The game is packed with side stuff and is possible one of the most packed games I have ever played, there are lots of different mini games and side content. The hostess club was great and far more addictive then I possible thought. Kiryus business wasn’t as fun as it wasn’t that involved but it was very easy to get money in easy and fast. I cant write about the game with out talking about how funny some of the substories are. Especially “How to train your dominatrix” where as it sounds you have to train a dominatrix be mean.

There are several different fighting styles for every character (3 or 4 if you count weapons) and each one is very fun and unique, however each character has fast but weak, slow but powerful and one in-between. Each ability has a different upgrade tree, and you will be making billions of yen and most of the yen will be spent. You can also train for extra abilities with each person who taught you the fighting styles.

Overall the game has a lot of content and will give you tens and possible hundreds of hours of playing the game and the game is usually fairly cheap so pick it up when you have the chance and play it you wont regret it.

Very fun with more mechanics then the original and puzzles were a lot more complex and some had me wondering and thinking for a long time. Better story and writting as wel. One of the best puzzle games iv played

Very fun short puzzle game with very simple gameplay and some challenging puzzles that took a while for me to beat.

I put way to many hours in this game in 2016-2017 and regret it

This review contains spoilers

The Great AA Chronicles:Holy shit where do I begin, this was my last two games before completely finishing the series (as of June 13th 2022) and I can say this game was fucking incredible.

Where do I begin I guess I should start with characters and wow what a great introduction to the new characters from Herlock to Gina, they were all written great, the music was incredible which I expect from the series. Lord Van Ziekes as a rival prosecutor was an incredible rival for the games with and incredible theme behind it and has a huge mystery behind him with him being called The Reaper Of The Bailey as everyone who has gotten an acquittal has died mysteriously which all gets solved by the final case of the second game. Gameplay was usual AA affair however with there being multiple witnesses you can see how others react during cross examinations in order to get more information which is such a nice feature from Layton vs AA. Another mechanic the games adds is the Dance of deduction where Herlock points out several things about a witness and they look about and when he gets something wrong you must point it out, Herlock isn’t dumb in this case he is getting things wring to help you improve as a lawyer. The final big gameplay change is a jury, the jury will determine if your client is guilty or not and during points they will all go for a guilty verdict, at this point you have to perform a judicial examination against them which is like the cross examination, but this time you will need point out statements that contradict each other pitting them against each other and making them change their vote in your favour so the trial can continue. The story was great especially the second game and how it wrapped all the mysteries from the first and second and so many twists and turns in the final case was shocking and I didn’t see where the game was going in the last 3 hours, but I loved it. While not really a big issue I should complain about the dialog can be tricky to read at times due to the game being set in Britain they have over the top accents making words hard to read at times, like Naruhodo being changed to ‘Oddo but that’s simple to read but some others took a few reads to understand (saying as a Brit myself), however this is for like 2-3 characters as each has a different accents while the rest each one is easy to read so it is a very minor pick I decide to pick out.

However overall, these two games were both incredible and the ending to the second game made me almost cry with the way everything wrapped up and, you know if your player gets emotional during the ending of a game cause they won’t see the characters again with fresh interactions you have truly made some fantastic characters. While I doubt, we will get a third games in the Great Ace Attorney series I would love if Capcom somehow find a way to make TGAA 3 or even a 7th instalment in the mainline series.

Doug Doug made me buy this game

Only got for an easy platinum

I loved this game from start to finish, I loved everything about it, the characters, the story, the music to even the gameplay even though its very simple. The story was very emotional and made me nearly cry at the end with how it wrapped up. I didnt expect for the game to be as good as it was but holy shit was I wrong I want to go through the game again and go for 100% completiotion, and i rarely do that for visual novels but I just loved the game that much. It is by far the one of the most unique games I have ever played and I dont think there will be another game like it any time soon.

Pretty much exactly the same as first with more guns and ways to play, better UI overall improvement over the original.

Original game review:

Very fun short game, brutal but fun, combat was good gun play was fun and every level was like a puzzle on who you should take out first and what enemies you should save ammo for, however one of my biggest issues is that enemies that you cant see can shoot you off screen, through windows I understand however you can enter a rooom and be shot by someone you cant see. However there is an aim mechanic to let you see further so that fixes it a lot.