This game was just... WOW no words, truly a one of a kind experience... HOWEVER, that one small bull/tiger colossus can BURN in hell

Lego Worlds wishes it could be like this... Still needs some tweaks here and there, and a little more content and it could very well be a game on his own!

This games does so many things wrong, BUT IT'S SOOO GOOD!

One of my followers asked me to prank another follower by feeding him a bowl of poop.... He found it so funny he asked me to do it again. I love this game

I wanted to give fewer stars because of the many visual and gameplay glitches but I just can't, I loved this game so much. Super charming, great enviroments and writing, great set of characters, it does have it's issues but damn, it was an awesome experience. Also funny rat.

This game made enter my Gremlin mode for almost three weeks! And I'm not even done with it yet!

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Playing as zero suit Samus was genius, but f*ck, it felt like a horror game

Whoever had the idea of making those metroids vunerable to only one type of weapon should go to hell

This game was fantastic! First things first, this was my first metroid game, I wanted to play the new prime remaster but I didn't got the money so I tried this and oh boy, I'm not disappointed. Alien is one of my favorite movies and Hollow Knight one of my favorite games, Super Metroid Mixes both of them and creates this amazing game. Everytime you get an upgrade you actually feel Samus getting stronger and well prepared wich makes everything feels so rewarding and a pleasure to continuing playing. I was hooked for hours and I recommend this game to anyone who appreciates 2D adventures.

This game gave me a nostalgia for simpler times. I played the sh*t out of the demo until I realized I needed more, and the price being so low made me buy it almost instantly!

I loved this game, it's far from perfect tho. It feels like an experimental game wich I don't consider a bad thing. I felt like they threw every Idea they had into the game and a lot of them worked wich is great.
It was such a fun and enjoyable experience, the game really does a wonderfull job making you feel like sonic. The cyberspace levels were fine, some were great and some were just there, I would love some new "maps" and themes for those tho.
The bosses in this game were so badass and epic wich contributed to making the final boss feel SUPER underwhelming and anti climatic.
Overall I believe this game was an awesome and fun prototype for an even bigger game, just hope they learn from this and try to improve it!


I've lost all my friends because of this game

This game still haunts my nightmares...