This DLC for KH3 is a great way to explain the main story ending even more, and has beautiful additions from another point of view. Aside from clearing up the ending better, there is the Limitcut episode with 13 Data Boss Battles...

Now each one of these battles is so difficult, you need to be prepared and level yourself up, and also unlock the Ultima Keyblade, other than that, you're going to struggle since these bosses can only be damaged at certain windows, so most of the time you're blocking and dodging, and waiting for the opportunity to strike, the Hardest Data Boss is Data Xaehanort, and Xion...

After you beat all 13 hard bosses, you unlock "Yozoro" which is probably the most difficult boss I have ever fought, he is so fast and agile, and bombards you with all kinds of attacks, this is why watching guides is important. The Link Summon Ariel carries throughout this fight so well, but you still need to recover your MP, Dodge, Parry, and pray to Kingdom Hearts for good luck. It took me about 20 attempts to beat this boss. And the dude looks like a mixture of Sasuke and Riku, or bootleg Kaneki.

The story was absolute WACK, and the missions where boring as hell, the boss fights and last missions were fun and iconic though.

Nero's combat is meh, until you unlock his Devil form AFTER you beat the game... Dante is fun to play especially Royal Guard which is broken, his Sin Devil Trigger is epic too. V is different but I personally don't like his combat. But VERGIL is amazing, his moveset is so fun, easily the best DMC gameplay mechanics.

I give this game 3/5 but for the MOTIVATION and POWER Vergil gave me, I give it a 4/5.

Music is bumping though, lots of good tracks like BURY THE LIGHT DEEP WITHINN


I played this on the HD collection, graphically wise it looked like the textures had been upscaled, and the framerate was solid 60fps. Now to get to the gameplay...

I honestly thought it wasn't too bad, it was that repetitive, I really liked the Devil Trigger mechanic with each transformation of each weapon, but I wish there was more weapons to try out. I also wish there were more cutscenes or dialog from dante. The story itself isn't too bad, it had some emotional moments, the ending was really badass but the same time that final boss is bullshit, its like bullet hell game with that many lasers you have to dodge.

Honestly the most SPARDA game in the DMC series, especially the end. The music was bumpin too. Not too bad for a PS2 game, the dungeons were cool to explore too, only got lost like twice

This was a really good DMC game, it introduces Nero, a Teenager who has the devil arm. His story is about self acceptance and love, and also perseverance through the toughest moments. Meanwhile Dante is just having a normal everyday occurrence attitude, classic dante.

I did not like Nero's Exceed mechanic in this game, it is better In DMC5. But his Devil Trigger first form is pretty neat. The special edition makes Vergil/Lady/Trish playable, but I didn't feel like replaying the entire game again, they only have a few exclusive cutscenes. All in All a good game, and it has alot of backtracking to areas you already been before.

The PC version did not have any bugs for me, it ran smooth 144 Frames in 4K, with pretty good looking textures and lighting

An Absolute Roller coaster of a video game, the story starts off a bit slow but it gets complex and juicy later on, some of these characters are just treated with so much shit, like Makoto, she goes through so many horrible things, and it doesn't get better for her until the end scenes.

The Dual Protagonist system was really fun, I couldn't pick favorites between Kiryu or Majima, both have a unique charms. The gameplay was very versatile letting you switch between 3 styles mid battle. I do have a complaint about how most of the skills are locked behind some bullshit side story which is REALLY annoying to do, both Kiryu and Majima can unlock a business throughout the story, this is all side content but its crucial to unlocking the skill tree and making a lot of money, basically you need to complete all the business missions for unlocking blocks on the skilltree, or unlocking the LEGEND Style at full completion. The LEGEND style for Kiryu is Dragon of Dojima, an explosive and counter style. For Majima its the Mad Dog Style, a knife wielding maniac style with crazy movements and executions, unlocking the Legend style for both characters is a PAIN in the ass... But it is worth it

The music is also really good, it has a 80's disco and pop feel, which is what the game is about anyways...

There is a lot of side content, I spent 38 hours on this game because it's a long game already, and I did a lot of karaoke, dancing, racing, fighting, etc. It was fun to do them which is what matters, when the side content is fun to do then it is done well.

I recommend this game HEAVILY to people who are getting into the Yakuza Series, it IS the prequel anyways.

Compared to Yakuza 0, this one felt a bit underwhelming in the end, the start of the story was very juicy and intense, this crazy plot happens, and then you end up baby sitting a little kid, and alot of important characters die in stupid ways, and the dialog in the end is really goofy. The Ability system is now based on XP points instead of money which is alright, I did really like Majima Everywhere addition, he is quite literally EVERYWHERE, fighting him was fun. He will do anything to Reawaken the Dragon Of Dojima... and he succeeded and got his ass whooped...

Honestly plot sucks but it was kind of enjoyable.

I thought this game looked really beautiful, it uses a more realistic looking engine, the PC version is unoptimized so some frame stutters and drops happen, unless you install Special K which makes it more smooth. I had about 7 crashes during my playthrough, which really ruined the vibe. But atleast this game has autosaves too.

The story is really good, I like how it introduces another Dragon, and the Majima Saga is really Heartwarming. One thing I didn't like was the gameplay being too bland, the EXP system is divided into 5 sections or so, you get EXP by fighting and eating, but I just don't like this method of dividing skills to different XP points. And they removed styles which means you have limited combo movesets until you upgrade.

The ending was really intense, there is a lot of "always has been" moments like that one astronaut meme, they love give defeated people guns so they shoot an important character... it's like the main characters don't remove every weapon near a dangerous person...

Overall really good game, not as good as 0, but its good.

After Backlogging this game for a while, I finally had the motivation to finish it. There are a couple of reasons why I avoided this game for a while...

The Start: Really frustrating and lack of skills and arsenals early game is demotivating. It just wasn't that fun Until I unlocked Ichimonji and good prosthetics. The fanbase of Souls games will always use "Get Gud" when you say a game is too hard. But this game is legit really DIFFICULT. There is no stat upgrading using souls, you upgrade your health with discoverable items and attack power by using memories of defeated bosses.

You either learn the PRECISE timing of parrying and mechanics or you can't beat the game. Some of the bosses are just so fast and hard to parry... I did enjoy the story and the scenery, navigating around was really dogshit, I hate when games have terrible navigation.

So honestly, you need to either have Godlike reflexes, or a souls fan to enjoy and finish this game.

Well I'm glad that's over with... I played this game just because it's a mainline Yakuza game. It's basically Papa Kiryu babysits 9 children in his Orphanage on Okinawa. And gets into a wacky adventure like always. The combat isn't even that good really, but there were some memorable moments that I liked in the story. Overall though this is said to be the weakest Yakuza game in the series.

Honestly it was fun especially the 4 different combats, but we all know Kiryu is the best one obviously, what made me so annoyed is the annoying lock on system, its so clunky,. Story was neat how 4 fates intertwined, but the immense amount of plot convenience and inconsistency is horrible.

I have defeated this one annoying ass person who is basically the villian, let me NOT subjugate them fully so they may wake up and shoot someone with a gun that just happens to be in the vicinity of them

Fucking dumass, you need to make sure they're down for good, and why are you just letting a fully loaded and armed gun near them? Oh well, once you play Yakuza 0 (God Tier Game) you just notice the horrible quality of some of these Yakuza games.

This was my first Resident Evil game as I was seeing a lot of clips of RE 4, and I was mostly interested in Ada and Leon. So I wanted to experience Leon's story. Honestly this game scared the shit out of me a lot, especially Tyrant, the cat and mouse game is very terrifying you can hear his footsteps, he knows where you are always. The atmosphere is amazing.

But I really hated the annoying puzzles and backtracking, combat was alright, the DLC items are OP. Apart from going back and forth trying to search what to do next, this game is solid.

There are 2 runs for each of the two characters, but honestly I didn't feel like replaying the same thing over. For me Leon's First Run is Cannon + 2nd Run Ending.

This game was amazing, the atmosphere, location, enemies, graphics, music, everything was top notch. I did play the original and I see how it improved 100%. There isn't much for me to complain other than the enemies are sponges for bullets, you run out of ammo and basically every regular item fast. You can be like me and run past a lot of the enemies lol.

Ada is so badass and hot, but her Voice actor is different from the RE2 Remake and that kinda threw me off, I hear alot of complains on how she sounds bored all the time and I can agree, but its not terrible voice acting. Ada literally carries the crucial plot moments.

The two enemies that scared the shit out of me were the Verdugo and the Regenerator, those two shits were so horrifying... I enjoyed every boss fight this game is awesome it gets a 9/10 for me.

After playing the remake I wanted to experience the OG since it's obviously different, here are my main pointers.

1. I appreciate the remake even more for fixing the combat, characters, and lining the story better

2. A lot of missing/different content it was like playing an entire different game

3. Good atmosphere reminds me of older games I played for PS2

4. Enemies pissed me off, like DMC level of annoying enemies sometimes, clunky shooting mechanics.

5. Ada is somehow even hotter and flirts more, she's just a badass Queen 👑

Ada is so hot, great story mode.

I remember after finishing the Original Persona 3 FES, I joined a "Persona 3 Remake" server on discord, back then it was only a dream that Persona 3 gets a remake. But dreams sometimes come true...

This Remake is so amazing it fixes all issues with the Original game, brings new soundtracks that are top notch, satisfying gameplay, and gorgeous graphics. The voice acting and day to day life is really good too. It's everything I ever wanted from a Persona 3 Remake... 10/10 Persona Game