22 reviews liked by Holiwiis

Originally developed for Xbox 360, Alan Wake is a classic. Now, with this remaster, everyone has the chance to play this gem on any modern console.

The release of Alan Wake Remaster is essential to preserve a game that was forgotten after the second Xbox console. However, it's important to note that this version has some issues that could have been fixed with a few more months of development.

I played the Nintendo Switch version and faced some performance problems, but they did not ruin my experience. I understand that this is the worst version of the remaster, but people are experiencing some problems on any console.

Regarding the game itself, I must admit that Alan Wake has not aged well. Don't get me wrong, you can still play this game without a problem, but you can tell it's not a modern game. I know it's not fair to expect features developed at other games years after its original release, but at certain points during gameplay, especially when shooting at enemies, it's not that satisfying.

The story is pretty cool. Alan Wake tells the tale of a writer who sees his creations come to life while searching for his missing wife. The mystery vibe is truly amazing.

If you never had the chance to play the original game before, you should definitely give Alan Wake Remaster a try. However, if you played the game when it was originally released on Xbox 360, I don't see why you would need to buy and play this version that has some downsides compared to the original one.

I was disappointed by this game because it isn't as unfun as people say it is

Words can't describe how much I related to this game or how it made me feel.. The game's story will always have a place in my mind and the warmth I felt while playing it is something I had so much fun with (p.s rise is the best)

Bravely Default 2 is a game of ups and downs, with clear balance and design issues. Some choices are questionable and in my opinion a step back from the excellent Default and Second. The game is frustrating often, but experimenting with jobs is fun and rewarding.
The transition from 3DS to Switch/PC therefore seemed to me very little painless, even from a technical point of view. The Unreal Engine 4 is often exploited well, especially with hand-drawn cities. Everything else is rather mediocre, from polygonal modeling to the graphic presentation of the world map. I point out some drop in frame rates where the game inexplicably trudges, especially in transitions. Beautiful, however, the soundtrack of the band Revo.
So what? I recommend Bravely Default 2 only to the most hardcore fans, but even there the disappointment could be around the corner. Square Enix and the team would have to review some of their choices, because at present we are facing a really fluctuating experience.

Secret World 1.0 was so good, this weird and ambitious attempt to make an MMORPG with quest structure that was closely tied into its worldbuilding and didn't feel like just doing fetch quests and mindlessly checking off boxes. It wasn't entirely successful but it was still one of the coolest things I've played. And I understand the reasoning behind Funcom's decision to relaunch it, but really all they did was take the parts of the game that were already not good and somehow made them bad enough that they made the game no longer fun to play. And since the relaunch didn't spark the renewed interest they apparently wanted, Funcom is so transparently uninterested in salvaging what they have that they don't even bother to do server maintenance anymore, so the game's borderline unplayable now. As I write this there are 80 people online. What a depressing end to such a bold, interesting experiment. Fuck you Funcom.

Drakengard 3 improves on Drakengard in every way that matters, which makes it less fun somehow

No, you don't understand. It''s SUPPOSED to be repetitive and boring to play. You wouldn't get it because you're clearly not familiar with the intricate workings of Yoko Taro who is a master of narrative story telling. Here's a seven hour lore video that exonerates him from all your petty criticisms.

This is every bit as angry and transgressive as drakengard 1 but turned way the fuck up in intensity and unbelievably cathartic. Banger.

This game is the tits.
On the bad side, it took a good while from release to the last dlc to become the full experience, but aside from that...

- Plot is great
- Chocobros feel like family
- Ardyn being jesus gone dark is amazing
- Battle system is fun enough
- Lots of giant monsters to grind for in the end game
- Overworld character interactions feel repetitive but natural
- Very emotional game

That is the good.

I love this game, FFVII remake can suck it

I got so mad at someone posting badly on the internet that I replayed Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin and it made me less mad. I still believe truly, in the fullness of my heart, that this one is the best Dark Souls.