Good game. HORRIBLE writing, slow intro, and dragged out ending though.

My top 3 favorite facts about this game:

3. "Ride me as much as you ride your bike" is already a horrible line but how the fuck is HE supposed to ride HER???

2. The director, John Garvin, blamed the failure of the game on "Woke reviewers" and told David Jaffe that people should have bought it at full price instead of getting it through PS+, sales, etc.

1. It was made by the same people that did Bubsy 3D.

In my Resident Evil 2 review my complaints were that it got too linear and stopped being scary as you got towards the end. This game takes that to the next level by turning it into a mediocre Call of Duty campaign. Also, the game is only half as long as Resident Evil 2 and reuses a couple of areas from that game.

Nemesis poses no threat because all of his sequences involve simply holding forward on your joystick until the cutscene plays. For some reason, the scarce ammo and healing economy system from Resident Evil 2 is gone and you are now drowning in stacks of ammo for guns that you won't even use. By the end of the game I had more than 10 spare healing items that I didn't even use.

Buy this game bundled together with Resident Evil 2 and maybe play through it once if you're still interested for some reason.

Pretty good game but it loses the horror elements after you leave the police station. The rest of the game just really isn't that scary and feels too linear (especially cause I already felt like the police station was too linear)

Mr X is supposed to be this Xenomorph type character who patrols the police station and fucks up your entire plan but he shows up so late that you only have to deal with him during one 20 minute section before you leave the police station entirely.

Uhh the story is pretty shitty, the bosses are pretty shitty but the general gunplay and gameplay are really good.
You actually have to think about your inventory space this time and decide if you want to engage enemies (although near the end of the game I realized you can just stun an enemy with one bullet and run past them). The zombies move in such unpredictable ways that you can't ever line up a perfect headshot which really alleviates the nervousness that the player is supposed to feel.

Pick this game up with the third one for 10 bucks on sale and you'll probably have a good time. There's also a bunch of extra modes and Claire's side but I didn't beat any of them.

Bad stuff first. Combat feels pretty clunky for a 2015 game. There's not a lot of depth for something that you're gonna be doing for a lot of hours playing this. The animations are really cool and I would even go as far as saying I like the heat system/style options, but as a whole it can feel really weak when every style has that one combo that destroys every single enemy type.

As for the story, there are a few great scenes and moments that genuinely had me feeling sad and happy and mad, but it just gets too caught up in adding more and more characters and eventually you lose track of who's even relevant to the story anymore. That's not to say these characters are unlikeable though, I fucking love Kiryu and Majima, especially Majima.
In the final chapters the plot is supposed to come together into a big climax, but I forgot who some of the characters/families were and why they were there because they're all way too similar, so that kind of ruins everything.
I think they could have benefited from reducing the amount of characters and making the families more distinct from eachother. I don't hate Yakuza's story, but it can absolutely feel a bit anticlimactic at times.

Now the good stuff. These games are charming as fuck. I've never been to Japan and I wasn't born in the 80's, but I'm gonna assume that this is exactly what Tokyo looked like there. The lighting on the streets, the detail on every building is simply amazing and it adds so much to the unique atmosphere of this world.
Additionally, the minigames and substories are super creative and exciting (Shoutout to 24 hour cinderella), and they take up so much of the game's content, that you can just forget that the main story even exists. The business minigame is like an entire game on their own, and there are 2 of them.

I can easily recommend this game as a must-play, even if the story and combat leave a lot to be desired. You might like these aspects of the game more than me, but I can almost guarantee you that you won't dislike them more than me.

There is a real lack of variety in stages and weapons, and I got through the entire game in 3 or 4 hours. The difficulty increase doesn't feel really fair, as it mostly just comes down to pressing the dodge button when they start ganging up on you.

Still, the game lives up to it's ridiculous concept and feels really satisfying to play. Hitting a perfect dodge and decimating your enemy in the super bullet time feels amazing.
I recommend getting this game on sale. 30 bucks is honestly too much for such a short experience.

Genuinely one of the best party games ever made. Everything is perfectly designed to feed into how hilariously it plays.
From the responsiveness of the controls to the ragdolls, the physics, the little delay on the camera when you fall down onto a bunch of spikes.
There is not a minute that will go by in this game without some hilarious shit happening.

Cat or Bread? Do not click the bread...

It's insane how well simply jumping while moving left and right holds up in fucking 2024. The controls are so smooth, so responsive, that many platformers today still struggle to catch up to it's mechanics.

Visually, and in terms of content and secrets, this game is miles above Mario Brothers 3. for the NES, but I still feel like the level design in that game is better. In this one you often have to wait for platforms or enemies and it kinda bogs down the pacing of the levels.
The amount of content also means there's a lot more experimental stuff, which is great, but it does mean that some of the ideas just kind of suck.

Still one of the most incredible achievements in the history of gaming though.

Possibly the worst game that I have ever finished.

The only reason I beat this is because the game is at most 5 hours long...

and yet every level is rushed and broken.