Its fine? Just a simple platformer nothing as fun as the main Disgaea series

Always put this one off as it was deemed "the bad one" but ITS SO GOOOOOD

I liked the over theme of redemption dispite your actions (the good ending at least) and everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

The hacking was a lot better since it happened in real time and the final boss wasn't a pile of shit this time it was actually good!

Truly one of the fighters of all time

Fuck Metal Sonic he kills you in like 3 hits and destoyr your shield instantly

Really enjoyable game. First Far Cry I played properly and I can say I really liked it! Could not see Jacob Seed without thinking of Seth Rollins. I will say towards the end I started to get a liiiitle sick of it but glad I persevered and saw it to the end

Favorite parts were the loot staches and cult outposts easily, They were just fun challanges esp going into the outposts trying to go full stealth

Some of it has aged less gracefully than others but for the most part it still holds up 16 years later

Such a leap in quality to the first, the first is still amazing but almost feels like a test demo in comparison.

Introduces Chloe who went on to become a series staple and even her own game. Harry Flynn is a great reflection of Nate and Lezarovic is...also there he's fine tbh

Pretty good but only really know the RWBY and Persona 4 charecters lmao

I think its fine tbh. It's a great shooter but as a Resident Evil it's kind of weak. Which is a shame bc you can SEE the effort it was just too little in terms of classic Resi horror and puzzles.

Really nice for what it is but SEVERELY lacking in content and can be easily finished in under an hour

People hate this game but its literally a filler game? What did people expect

REALLY GOOD but wayy too short

Honestly had no idea what I was going in for but really enjoyed it just wish it was longer than 2 hours