The follow up to Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. The production quality is through the roof on this one, with a fully animated intro and multiple endings (all with some great symbolism). The game managed to unnerve me even more than the first game too, which is an absolute win in my book. The art style is also very nice, with very striking color choices and great background art. The music makes me nostalgic for feelings I've never had, and its execution of mental health topics is on par with that of Silent Hill's best. I absolutely adore this game, and can't wait to see what Nikita Kryukov has in store next.

This is the game that got me into video games. I love it, no matter which version I'm playing, the original or the remake, doesn't matter to me. From a less biased point of view it's a slightly above average 3D platformer. If it weren't for this game I might not have gotten into my favorite art medium of all time though. For that I will cherish it until the day I die.

Valve's finest. Portal 2 is nothing short of perfect. I love the writing, the puzzles are brain ticklers and the art direction is stellar and has aged like fine wine. I can always go back no matter what, even though I have every puzzle perfectly memorized. There's nothing I don't love about it, from its voice acting to its storytelling. My absolute favorite of all time, unmatched to this day.

A mess of a video game, I love it. I think it's incredibly jank. I think it controls like a dream. I think the voice acting is awful. I think it's one of the best games in the series. This is what Sonic the Hedgehog does to your brain.

The Neverhood is such a hard experience to describe. It lacks focus, its puzzles are some of the worst I've ever dealt with and its story is borderline nonexistent until the very end and yet, it's one of my favorite games of all time. Exploring this vast empty world made out of clay is incredibly engaging. The music is unlike any other soundtrack I've heard for pretty much anything. The stop motion is amateurish yet very charming and endearing. It's a bit hard to pin down what specifically makes me love this game so much but, I just can't help it man. I would love to see a remaster someday with cleaner scans of the original game's assets.

Double Fine's worst, which to be fair, isn't to say it's the worst I've ever played. Its writing is very "make it up as it goes along"-esque, and the acting is very bland (how do you manage to get Jack Black and Richard Horvitz to sound boring). Puzzles almost never become anything deeper than give a thing to someone to get another thing to give to someone else. The rare time they make the puzzles something deeper, they devolve into some of the point and click genre's worst. I can usually put up with bad puzzles in games like this, I love Grim Fandango, but this game's story is not good enough to make up for its shortcomings.

The Silent Hill series' masterpiece. It's passé to say at this point, but this is the best game in the series, no doubt. It takes on things such as suicide, CSA and various other mental health topics with absolute tact and grace. The gameplay is standard for this kind of game, but it's really bolstered by the imagery and atmosphere on display here. Its uncanny acting which adds to the disturbing vibe is just another cherry on top of this already delicious cake.

FPS perfection. The gunplay is so frantic yet so precise and satisfying. Every enemy has a strategy, and each strategy feels fantastic to execute. Marauders are the best enemy in any video game ever also.