313 Reviews liked by Hotradish

had to pull out sparknotes for the boss guide

when I first saw this previewed in Nintendo Power in 2008 I thought it was about Mario and Luigi entering Bowser's body to systematically shut down each of his bodily systems until he died from total organ failure. Given that I assumed that to be the premise it's kinda concerning I was so eager to play it

The Red Hot Chili Peppers of games.

Minus two dollars just so it has an excuse to show up on the summer sale page? This... is awesome!



There ain’t no point to the game bra, all you do is walk around jumping on shit 😭

This game would not be as iconic as it is without the theme song

CTRL ALT EGO is legitimately one of the most mind bending games I've ever played! The entire thing is just one big puzzle that you can solve however way you want. I think we've found a game more worthy of the term "immersive sim" than Deus Ex! The fact that this was developed by only two people makes it all the more impressive. Highly recommended!

Wow, look at you with your cool opinion that Bioshock Infinite is overrated. Where can I get one of those too?!

It's not quite as "Bioshock" as the other 2, your plasmids, or now known as vigors, are barely used, and the soundtrack and atmosphere isn't the same. However, the shooting is top notch, the visuals are stunning even today and the plot and characters really hooked me, and especially the ending. Really really enjoyable experience.

I sure do love politics in my games

My 27 year old coworker told me he wanted to fuck Sandy

to the tune of All The Small Things by blink-182

Mr Krabs
and Plankton
and Miss Puff
Mr. Krabs
King Neptune

Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY, leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused, EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! This episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular staple in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all. All Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself, but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick, can it?