The thing that stands out to me most about this game is the localization. It absolutely nails the gay discord shitpost goblin vibes so well that I swore for sure it was natively English. Outside of that, it's a game with really good writing, lots of endings, and really good writing. Really good writing. My favorite games are the ones that can make me laugh really hard one minute and make me feel like I'm about to vomit the next. This is one of those games.

Why yes this game IS fanservicey pandering nonsense, why yes it's COMPLETELY incomprehensible if you haven't played literally every single game before this point, but. GOD DAMMIT I'm a little bitch who's easy to please.

Has the best protagonist in the franchise, it also fucks up hard and fast. And like not in the usual way but in the like. WOW way. It's like a really good book where halfway through the author breaks into your house and stabs you 7 times.

Bitches will tell you it's dogshit intentionally and not understand that a director can have creative ideas on how to mess with the player and also work with a studio that has no idea what video games even fucking are. Did Yoko Taro decide to lock the one ending that matters behind absurd completionist nonsense to punish completionists? Yeah, maybe. The soundtrack is definitely jarring and uncomfortable on purpose. Did Lord Emperor Taro-sama decide with his holy heart to have an unusable camera and to give the dragon a magic attack that blasts your speaker every single time and to make 50% of all fucking enemies completely immune to any kind of magic or any interaction with the core gimmick of the game? No, I think those decisions come from Cavia sucking at making games. A very interesting game held down by being borderline unplayable garbage.

This could honestly have been called Kingdom Hearts 3 and people wouldn't flinch that much. It's not the peak of the franchise or anything, but ya know what! It's pretty great! It's not as fast and fun as 2 but the flowmotion system makes things feel smooth enough to still be fun. Also, c'mon. TWEWY. I'm easy to please here.
Hey why do they drop the G slur so many fucking times that's kind of weird right

Okay the gameplay is a little braindead and the map design is SUPER "mid budget studio"-core and I have a few rubs about how the final ending goes thematically but on the whole. Shit dude, he did it. Yoko Taro was able to hold back on his hateful urges just long enough to make a really deep, engaging, I'll say even beautiful game. The characters are great, the gameplay while previously mentioned a bit simple is still fun, the music is unbelievably beautiful. This one was really worth my time. Kinda wish I got to choose Gestalt though. just for funny

Honestly, I wouldn't have that much an issue if the series just stopped here. Probably my favorite Kingdom Hearts entry and honestly one of the best games on the PS2. The story has a lot of the silliness you'd expect from Kingdom Hearts but it's not to the point that it's too far gone and completely impossible to understand. The gameplay is just incredible, I love doing flippy anime boy shit so much. My only issue is that it doesn't have enough Larxene.

it is a kingdom hearts rhythm game. that's really all you'll get from me. why in sweet bubbly fuck is this game 60 dollars

Danganronpa 2 probably has the best cast and overall plot of the series. It does have Komaeda in it, granted, but it also has Akane. So like it kind of balances out, right?

YES it has a lot of issues, YES I have a lot of issues with some of its plot twists. Honestly, it feels like plot twists for the sake of having plot twists sometimes. but GOOOOSH dang it. I like it a lot anyway.

why the fuck did people tell me this game sucked.

It's a fine enough game but wow when you're playing the rerelease it is REALLY hard to deal with the camera, the bosses suck in general, the command deck is incredibly easy to break in half and the secret ending is a teaser for a game that doesn't even exist you know what actually fuck this game.

Cool fact: I own this game on every console it was released on. Why?

eh idk

Been a follower of Daniel Mullins since Pony Island, so I was very disappointed by Inscryption. Specifically because it was a deck building game that I actually really really love for a change.