Felt it a bit too dragged on like some really extended edition, but overall still a neat game with good characters and fine story.

Great game. Probably my second favorite souls-like behind Sekiro. Solid combat with just enough exploring that avoids any feeling of downtime. Big plus that it has a story that isn't overly vague and cryptic.

It was okay. It was generally solid with a lot of story, but just doesn't really have any high points or epic moments.

Great art, solid gameplay, and some interesting puzzles. Can't quite put my finger on what's missing that holds me back from rating it higher. Could be the story just wasn't really captivating, or that more than half the time I was just mentally cruise controlling through levels. Still gotta give credit to a solid game from a one person team at least.

It's a game I wanted to like but too many flaws brings it to just below average.

Story is fine but a bit dragged on. Music is good but nothing I care to listen to post-game. Map quality is often really good or really bad. Font is really terrible on a big screen to the point where it's hard to read and sometimes hurts my eyes. Sprites become mush if I go handheld. Aggro mechanic would have been nice if it actually had a higher % chance and range. The lack of enough materials to really build up more than one full team makes it hard to really try out everyone's full potential without going into new game+.

Character skill uniqueness is great, the art is well done, the idea of having your choices really change things up is good thing to have.

It's a fine and well done Kirby game in 3D, but at the same time doesn't really hook me and I can't quite put my finger on why.

The powers and their upgrades are a great addition, mouthful mode is decent for variety, bosses are good, music's okay but not as catchy.

Characters were good, story was about average, battles were good, but then the second half absolutely felt like a bunch of dungeon filler.

First time playing GTAV and loved how it basically improved everything over GTAIV. Better combat, much better driving speed and handling, missions were fun, and it was pretty cool being able to switch between characters.

No idea what the original PS3 version was like, but it looks great on PS5 with minimal load time.

The only minor complaints I have are the occasional long drives, taxis taking extra long to arrive, and maybe a lack of direction of where the story was even going for a good chunk of the game.

Maybe not quite as good as the first game, but still refreshing, fun, and the usual touch of Uchikoshi crazy lol.