Pretty cool but gets boring close to the end.


My favorite MOBA. So much time spent and skins bought. Toxic community but that's a given on any MOBA.

Pretty fun. Wish I had people to play this with.

Easily the best online community game. The incredible talent and creativity this game bred is unmatched. Unfortunately corporate greed put an end to it.

Such a shame what happened to this series.

Good gameplay but nothing like the originals.

People really lie to themselves and pretend this isn't the best battle royale.

This game is right up my alley. New favorite genre.

Lots of crazy chicks play this game.

Bring able to bring in your Pokemon from DS was awesome. I need this for VR.

Nothing like coming home from school and playing zombies with the bois. Seriously a hallmark of a generation. The best zombies there ever was.