352 Reviews liked by Hylianhero777

I'm usually not a "wow trope bad" kinda person when I analyze media, but I'm frankly a little shocked that Barlow managed to slip by scot-free while loading his writing wall-to-wall with "beautiful, quirky woman later revealed to (spoilers, I guess) likely be either delusional or manipulative w/r/t her dissociative identities." I dunno, it's not a particularly charitable character study, so it ends up feeling just as wack as the stuff that usually gets raked over the coals for it. I guess this game's design was amorphous and novel enough for people to accept it?

I do like the design premise (though the "play until you're satisfied" angle is a little overstated imo), but I was seriously done with this game the moment she picked up a mirror and, while gazing deeply into it, started to pontificate on the nature of identity. Definitely a thing mentally ill people do, Sam. Thanks for the rep.

“An American tragedy. An odyssey of debt, of grief, of broken promises, of hope. A painful, melancholic fable composed of fables and more fables, spreading out and weaving in and out of itself. A dream ebbing back and forth between memory and fantasy. A plea for you to care about something.”

...This was my original review for Kentucky Route Zero. I still think it’s a good description. But on consideration, I feel as though I need to be bold and say it: Kentucky Route Zero is not only one of my favorite games, but one of my favorite things ever made.

This is not an assessment of quality. I am not telling you what to feel. I am telling you how I feel. And Kentucky Route Zero makes me feel a way.

I specifically say “Favorite Thing”, because Kentucky Route Zero doesn’t affect me like a game. When I think about many of my favorite games, I often think of them as games. They are full of mechanics, of challenges, of systems. That’s certainly not all games are, and games can be many things, but in the capacity that they affect me, enchant me, or fascinate me, it is often within this vague category of “game”. But Kentucky Route Zero is different. To call it “my favorite game” and leave it at that misses something. It’s certainly a game, but it doesn’t make me feel the way games usually make me feel. First and foremost, Kentucky Route Zero is a story. It’s unlike most. The main body of this story is a game, but it’s also a multimedia saga. There’s something quintessential permeating my experience of Kentucky Route Zero that transcends that category.

It is a hauntological melancholy. It conjures a world more like a memory than a reality. Kentucky Route Zero tells the story of people who seem familiar but you’ve never met, with jobs that were never really secure, in situations that could never happen, in a version of Kentucky that has never existed. Magical realism constructs a vision not of reality, but of memory, of a sensate fabric that you swear could have been but never was. Americana is a mythic entity made visible, standing in front of me within Kentucky Route Zero, and it’s on its last breaths.

It’s a hopeful story. That doesn’t mean it’s happy. The world around you is a wasteland. Everyone is dying. Everyone is suffering. Everything is weighed down by debt, pulled deep down into pools of darkness. To live is to work, work, and die. But there are other ways to live. There always have been. Should we move on? I think the answer is clear. But that doesn’t make the pain go away. We have to be willing to feel both grief and hope in the same breath.

All of its blemishes are dismissable. Fleeting problems with UI, incidentally clunky writing, weird mechanical tangents, overwhelming scope, these melt away when I take a moment to remember what Kentucky Route Zero is and feel the frisson travel up and down my skin. I'm trying to not be too longwinded here, but it's hard. I can't get into specifics. So I wax poetic instead. I could write thousands of words on every minute I spent with Kentucky Route Zero and still feel like I was forgetting to say something. It is a multitudinous masterpiece, refracting and reflecting endlessly, timelessly, quietly.

Kentucky Route Zero is one of my favorite things.

If "The Entertainment" thru "Un Pueblo De Nada" isn't the greatest achievement in narrative gaming, then, like, what the hell is

I've softened a bit in my opinions on this one but it's still pretty blatantly the worst mainline Resident Evil game. There's just one bad design element after another (Code Veronica X rivals Zero in this regard) and it all adds up to an immensely frustrating experience.

For every pleasant bit like the train setting or Billy as a character you have the absolute worst with the inventory system, the monster design, the enemy AI, backtracking as a result of bad puzzle design, and more. I've never seen a game where you can see glimpses at something truly special go out of its way to make you feel like a fool like this one does.

Fixed camera angle Resident Evil is my favorite style for the series and one of my favorites for any kind of game but after this game I'm not surprised we didn't get another one. The fact that this released only months after the much superior remake of the first game blows my mind every time I'm reminded about it.

man the last third of this game sucks

one of the most depressing things i've ever seen. in videogames it takes less than a decade for an "auteur" to turn his fairly unique creation into the equivalent of a marvel movie.

(for this review, i am using it to describe all of the 5 Acts and the 5 interludes as well)

this game is a watershed moment in games and it lasted a full decade. even if you will never play this game, you will touch a different game in the next 30 years that has had its DNA irrevocably altered by it. nearly everything about what games makes great is present somewhere in kentucky route zero.