A really well-done remaster of the trilogy, the only complaint I have is I wish they put time and effort into fixing ME3 as they did with ME1 and the graphics for ME2.

A fun experience! The map is well done and the story is intriguing.

It achieved what it wanted to do, and it was interesting to a point, but the twist was dumb n it felt like the devs were trying to show off how much smarter they are than the players, just watch a youtuber play it if ure really that interested

a perfect sequel to an amazing game from my childhood. its embarrassing how much i cried from playing through the story, but it was worth the experience

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What surrounded this game did kinda diminish the want to play it, but I decided to ignore it and go ahead and give it a fair shot, playing it for what it is.

I like this game, but i wish I liked it even more.

Most of the romances are bland, most of the LGBT+ characters felt like caricatures (the non binary characters particularly); as a gay man I was excited to have many male romances to choose from, but seeing how there was only one woman to date I felt disappointed for the lesbian players that would’ve loved to have a dating sim cater to them as well, not just for people like me.

Combat was exciting but short lived - with only 2 dunjs and a boring last boss fight it seemed pointless to even get through them 100% with all the weapons.

And I feel it does need to be say - the stalker plot line was not needed. While not uncomfortable for me, trying to enjoy the dating aspect to suddenly have my stalker show up ruined most of the experience with me. From how I see it, it wasn’t handled well at all, hamfisted into the plot and dumbed down to fit the cutesy atmosphere the game is trying to go for.

Give it a shot if you have 5 hours to spare, but play it when it goes on sale, it’s not worth the $20.

I will be perfectly honest, this entry of lis is the best one so far, possibly the peak of the series. It blows the pervious game out of the water by a long shot. There’s still some areas of the game that was underwhelming or just poor writing, but it doesn’t diminish the overall product and how amazing this game honestly is

i wish this game was good i wanted it to be good...the controls are terrible the only worthwhile thing about this game is customizing your bird

for quality of life mechanics, its the best metroid game by far. though, it felt restricting on the exploration, and having another person direct you to do anything was annoying. but its a very good game, i'm glad i played it

honestly? this is my fav metroid game in the series the crowd boos me

this game fun, awarding, and keeps you lock in to do the same levels over and over again. this is something i dont entirely mind, and i love what this game have to offer. is it better than l4d2? absolutely not, but its a good distraction when you want to put down l4d2 and play with a couple friends to unlock new cards or dick around in the main campaign

its cute, got boring after a while tho :[

a frustrating, over the top janky mess of a game thats perfect even for todays standard

slow and boring, the sword play was its saving grace...barely LMAOOO

its certainly a battlefield game !

tried to like the game but the downtime between the fights made this boring for me LMAO...got farther into it than dmc2 and maybe will come back to it some day