Zelda ripoff with gacha elements, decent if you got nothing to play

Not as great as automata, but still a decent game

Great game to play with friends, if you have any.

You talk to animals, it's cute and fun.

It's gta v, you don't need me to tell you how good this game is.

This game got me through covid times, never had so much fun with my brother. This game can heal a broken relationship, play it with your significant other.


Master chief returns with a bang, solid gameplay as well as the saving grace of 343, they really did a great job.

Amazing story with awesome combat, father son relationship is so beautiful it makes me hyped for the sequel.

Great sandbox experience which can be enjoyable for any age group.

Good combat, can be challenging if you don't pay enough attention. Best thing here is friendship of noctis, gladio, prompto and ignis.

It's a heaven for racing game lovers.

Great game to play with friends

I don't know why nobody talks about this games, they're so good absolutely worth playing.

Great game but too buggy, excited for sequel, but remember it's a souls like game, it's tough.