it's my fav game. It's pretty great

probably my favorite "classic megaman." I am very surprised it is not as liked as 9. I personally think it's much better

Practically impossible without extreme memorization (especially since my hands no longer work) but it's honestly incredibly good. The attention to detail, from the multitude of routes to the dismemberment system, is genuinely impressive to this day

Shockingly shockingly good. I have no attachment to the source material, but this is truly one of the best Rockman Fangames I've played in my life.

An incredibly rough entry, which is horribly disappointing because it's so damn close to being as good as 1 and 3. The hyper-linear stage design really brings this one down. I adore Ape Escape and it's hard to make every monkey encounter unique, but almost every stage and monkey feels the same in this one. Worse, switching in the gadget system is slowww, which is also was in 1, but even more and more gimmicky gadgets in this one really kills it, as you'll be switching them around even more. Plus the Gotcha machine is impossibly slow, which truly brings down the joy of completionism significantly. I'll still probably 100% it, but begrudgingly.

Also, nightmare of a last stage btw.

I was highly highly skeptical about what seemed like an increased combat focus and the transformation system. However, this one really pulls through, and might be the best Ape Escape of all 3. Some of the stages are a bit too linear and samey, but that's my own real complaint. At the least, it ties with 1.

Incredibly adorable and some fun puzzles, but super tedious and not very interesting gameplay wise.

Not good at all. It does nothing interesting with the metroidvania concept and never has a satisfying sense of progression in any way. I love both cute and dark things and this game's story is both. While I found the way they were combined to be pretty offputting, the main problem is neither were interesting at all - neither the cute or dark part on their own would have sustained my interest at all.