This game is full of little guys and the E N T I T Y it's great!

My biggest compliment to this game off the bat is that Kirby has not controlled this nicely and certainly won't be feeling that way for a long time. But for a classic era Kirby game, the fact he controls so smoothly here should be recognized!

But as the first entry to the Dark Matter Trilogy, I believe this game has some good and bad things about them... And unfortunately I know these problems only get worse as the trilogy goes on-

For the good, the animal buddies are such a delightful addition into the series. I know we live in a world where Kirby's abilities can do all of the Buddy Abilities in a single ability, but as someone who does not enjoy abilities like "Fire" and "Burning" being separate, the way it's all contextualized with the Animal Buddies just works for me. It's very cool to see how all of Kirby's abilities (for as few as there are here) change when using one of the three buddies. And the fact they carry over to other stages like Yoshi in Super Mario World is even cooler, it makes finding them all the more rewarding and wanting to keep them all the more engaging!

However, the bad of this game are issues that I want to ignore, but the fact they get worse as the trilogy goes on makes it hard to. The first issue (and definitely the least offensive thing here) is just as a Kirby game, it's nothing o write home about. Could I blame the Game Boy's limited hardware on giving unmemorable locales? Maybe? I remember a forest world and the Dedede Arena, but everything else just kinda blends together. Outside of a few annoying instances (which I will get to in a minute), there isn't anything memorable about this game's locales. Everything just sorta blends in together after a certain point.

This last issue isn't so bad here but it should still be stated. This game locks off the ending behind finding all the main collectables, and though there is only one collectable per world, the latter half of this game likes to hide them in very cryptic ways that are such an awkward stain on an otherwise pretty decent game. Again, it's not the end of the world trying to find these collectables, but there's some in the latter half of the game that make you scratch your head and go "whose idea was this???". But again, there's only one per world hidden in the game so it's not the end of the world. It's not like future games add a collectable to every single level and still lock off the game's ending behind finding every single one or anything :)

Also Gooey debut, this is important!

TLDR Play the 3D Classics Version on 3DS Instead or Nightmare in Dreamland

It’s a pretty sound Kirby game! The first of it’s kind to have Copy Abilities too and man am I glad Sakurai decided to combine a lot of abilities into one come Super Star. Hopefully certain abilities don’t stay split for too long :)

It’s a solid time overall, but the feel of Kirby hasn’t been refined yet, so he’s simultaneously the most stiff and floaty he’s ever been (and will have been) and given how Copy Abilities drop after one hit, you REALLY feel that. With that said, Beam is the best ability in the game. Its damage output is pitiful against bosses, but the range it gives you cannot be topped, especially when it comes to hordes of enemies.

The game is a technical marvel given the hardware, but this game LAGS badly at points and sprite flickering is abundant. As mentioned in the title, if you plan on playing the game, try and play the 3D Classics release of the game where it’s more stable and makes the game so much prettier than it already was (genuinely, this game looks amazing. Butter Building and Rainbow Resort being personal high lights). The GBA version is also pretty good. Though a little less impressive than both OG versions, it’s given some modern-ish touch ups to game feel that make it semi-consistent with what we have now. That and the Nightmare is more intimidating in the GBA version.

Still, a genuinely good time nonetheless. Though, to be honest, I don’t think Kirby will control as smoothly as he is now until Super Star Ultra, so that will most likely be a constant complaint moving forward with this series until then… or will it?

Who is Louie and why does he keep showing up

Holy moly, I was waiting to get to this game ever since I started marathoning these games. Not because of the HD Graphics or Brittany (maybe), but because I wanted to see how much Pikmin AI has evolved from the past couple of games. A couple generations should have helped fine tune everything, yeah? Well... Yeah! Though maybe to a fault?

I very much enjoy this game, but it is no doubt easier than the first two. Is it a bad thing? No not really, I just very much miss the tension of the previous titles is all.

To start, Pikmin AI is so much better. Never once did I have to worry about my Pikmin getting left behind because they were too slow, nor did I get any anxiety trying to cross a bridge. The biggest changes outside of that are a mixed bag for me. The added lock-on feature is very handy, I won't knock it at all. However, the new Charge mechanic I feel is a huge factor on what makes the game easier. I always enjoyed the old charge mechanic (if not only for the funny horn music) but because it allowed me to have full control of my Pikmin so they can avoid oncoming danger... not that it's super needed in this game. But having the charge be a single button press that rams into enemies like an instant kill button very much lowers any tension the combat may have had in this game. Also, I hate that using the New Charge mechanic only sends the required amount of Pikmin to carry an item and anything extra needs to be awkwardly thrown ahead of your Pikmin's pathway so the other Pikmin can catch up and.... yeah. Compared to 1 and 2's charge mechanic that shoved as many Pikmin onto an object so it was always getting transported at double speed with no hiccups.

Outside of the simplified combat, the rest of the game is phenomenal. Multitasking is the name of the game and having three playable captains makes everything so fun and has you wonder how you want to tackle the day. A day is never wasted. Oh, one captain doesn't have enough Blue Pikmin to carry an object? That's ok, I'll send that captain back to the ship while I play as another captain as they make their way back to the Onion. Everything about this game is just so fun to play, and the new Pikmin types, ESPECIALLY PINKS make multitasking and item hunting fun.

Rock Pikmin objectively have the best design tho.

And though this game's timer is an absolute joke with no threat of running out, there's still something so melancholic about going back to your ship and watching each captain wonder if they'll have enough food to get them by for the remainder of the expedition. Admittedly, the best part of the game IS when your food gets stolen and you start and you start at nothing again and have to scurry to get your supplies back... It seriously did add the level of tension that Pikmin 1 was very good at setting onto you.

I hear complaints that this game is short, and I do get why they're made, but honestly I like it this way given the premise of the story. It's short yes, but the adventure is a very well refined version of Pikmin 1. There's not as much danger or even a lot of tension here, but it's very fun and I think that's what matters most.

And that's just the base game alone, I have not even touched the side content at all! Play it if you want to get into the series but are too intimidated by the first two games! Pikmin 3 (and 4!) are all you need to understand this happy little franchise (:

They gave the blimp a gender!

Me standing outside your house with a bomb is also a trap, it’s to prevent you from having fun

This is one of the most polarizing games I’ve ever played. Even going into it, I knew this game had a reputation, but I still went in with an open mind. My objective was to collect all the treasures (and beat every dungeon by proxy). It ended up being one of the most annoying experiences in gaming ever.

To start, there are a lot of ideas here that I think are fun and make for an interesting challenge that I wished carried over to the future titles. But the remaining chunk of garbage? I’m hoping it never sees the light of day ever again.

The good? The bosses. With the exception of one boss (Empress Bulblax and her disgusting Larvae spawn), I feel every boss was fun and always had me trying to think about how to tackle them while suffering very few casualties. They all fill me with the fear and anxiety that any good horror game wish it could instill onto me. Huge highlights go to Water Wraith and Man-at-Legs. I think the inherent flaws of the game rear their ugly head when it comes to literally everything building up to the bosses.

The dungeons… This is unfortunately a concept that will not have been perfected until Pikmin 4. What we have here is, at first, a harmless means of getting treasure in secluded areas away from the Daily Timer… then you experience the latter half of the game’s dungeons. Nothing but horrible floor layouts with some of the cruelest enemy design ever and gotcha traps that only the “I love when games do that!” crowd enjoy.

I think what harms this entire concept is Purple Pikmin. There is no feasible way to replenish Purple Pikmin in this game without needing to revisit one of the game’s worst dungeons (Subterranean Complex) at a semi decent sub level every single time. It wouldn’t be so bad, however, if you’re going after every treasure in the game, you NEED a minimum of 100 Purple Pikmin to achieve that goal. Playing the game normally does not net you that much at all, meaning that you already have to repeat dungeon visits numerous times. It’s BECAUSE OF THAT that I restart my game if I lose even a SINGLE Purple because I am not trying to waste anymore time than what the game is having me do to remain “comfortable”.

“Don’t bring Purples then”, why would I not? They’re the best Pikmin in the game, no contest! This game is already asking a lot of me by tippy-toeing across every dungeon floor so I’m not blindsided by some gotcha moment that could cause me tens of casualties at once, so you’re asking me to not use the Pikmin that can take out enemies in seconds because if I don’t they’ll still kill tons of my Pikmin with ease???

I hear this game is as hard as you make it, which I agree is true, but the way it wants you to play sucks the fun out of everything. Whereas the first game asks that you slim down on time management for an exciting tense experience, this game says slow WAY DOWN because you don’t want bombs and rocks dropping on your Pikmin because you decided to play the game just a tad too fast or didn’t spend your in game days doing nothing but grinding Bitter Spray.

May Gatling Groinks never have a happy day in their life.

The only reason this game isn’t lower than 2 1/2 stars is because the rest of the game is still Pikmin. Refined from 1 mechanically and introduces so many cool elements that made the game more exciting to play. But man. The only reason I even beat this game was because I knew Pikmin 3, a better game, was right after this.

Tatanga will never come back, cry about it

This is that one Mario game people love to point to and go “Man, I wish Mario games had THIS much personality” and it’s just kind of ok. Like I get where people come from, but this game can be beaten in an hour and Bunny Mario skips 90% of the level design in the game. It’s fine, it’s cool that they managed to up the ante from the first Mario Land game, but nowadays it’s nothing too crazy, Jason Voorhees Goombas be damned.


This is a series I had put off for so long and I'm glad I marathoned them all once they became available on Switch. This first entry is genuinely something special. It honestly feels like a horror game in disguise with how cute and serene the game presents itself, but then suddenly a giant monster you have no idea on how to handle pops out of nowhere and wipes out tons of Pikmin. The 30 Day timer doesn't help either. 30 Ship Parts in 30 Days, and though not all are mandatory (which you would not know about unless someone told you), it still adds to this overall dread the game envelops you with.

I finished my adventure on Day 21, and even though I was on track for the best ending, I always had this sense of dread whenever going back to my ship for the night. The music that plays when you're in space is supposed to make you feel at ease, but it always left me wondering if I was going to make it out in time. This is something that this series does best. It's through the gameplay and music alone that will have you feel all sorts of emotions, from happy-go-lucky, to genuine fear and terror, to constantly asking yourself "Could I have spent that day better? Did I waste too much time doing xyz when I should've been doing 123?". And despite future titles being better GAMES, I don't think any other game comes close to capturing all these emotions better than Pikmin 1.

Gameplay jank and Pikmin AI will definitely have you wishing you could jump to Pikmin 3 immediately, but I feel like you'd be doing yourself a disservice not experiencing the first two games at least once. But if you decide to quit after the Forest Navel, well I can't blame you, that place sucks. Just play a Pikmin game though! They're all mostly great!

It started when I was 5 and had seen Samus's reflection through her visor in Magmoor Caverns

If there were select games that I felt was necessary to playthrough to be my friend, this is definitely high up there.

This game is fun, pure and simple. I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that this game was one of the GameCube's best and is now better than ever on Switch. I still prefer Prime 2 over this game and hope to god it gets a Remaster as well, but this game does everything right. From music, to locales, to a very satisfying progression system.

It's not even that hard either! And if you know how to use the Rapid Missile exploit, it gets even easier! AAAA SAMUS ARAN IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!! IT"S 5 STARS FOR A REASON!!!!!!

Before playing this game in 2019, I couldn't double jump. After I finished my most recent playthrough in 2024, I'm gonna start learning how to :)

Empty is how I felt starting this game for the first time as I was in a very depressive state of mind back in 2019. Playing through it with my brother, we both got to experience the comfort that a lost Madeline would find when she explored the wintry mountain alone in the night. We would take turns on any screen that gave us trouble and wouldn't stop until we saw the entire level through where we would be gently reminded of the long road ahead. It may be long, but we were never alone through any of it. Nothing was more satisfying than overcoming a hard screen, be it mandatory or optional, and being rewarded with strawberries or a very cozy art piece that was preceded with Madeline feeling the same relief we did when we got through.

Despite all the frustrations that come with an intense platformer like this, what kept us going was the beautiful music that accompanied us as we fell to our deaths, where even if we fell, we still got to look at the beautiful sprite work that surrounded us every step of the way. The sigh of relief that hit us whenever we beat a level was always the most satisfying part of it all, death count be damned. That goes double for the B Side levels :)

But when we reached the Summit together, I cried. There was some sadness that came over me when we got that final shot of Madeline watching over the mountain view that I couldn't describe, but it really felt like I had over come something for myself. I don't know if my brother felt that same relief, but I knew he was happy to have gone through this new game together.

Come 2024, I had reached the peak of the mountain again, but I ended up crying again for different reasons entirely. I'll come back eventually for the Core and Farewell, but for now I just want to state how beautiful this game is. An excellent 2D platformer, and a beautiful experience all around. I'm glad I came back to this one and look forward to coming back when I'm ready to take on the post game/DLC.

Daisy turned into an Elephant and suddenly I understood

Overall a very fun 2D Mario Game! As an enjoyer of the NSMB Series I can safely say that this game makes for a very fun single player experience! Multiplayer on the other hand became a huge headache, especially in the latter half of the game where the Wonder Effects become more and more zany.

My biggest negatives come from the OST and the boss fights. The OST is honestly nothing too memorable, nothing has stuck with me at all outside of the final boss theme, but since my initial playthrough last year, I have not gone back to listen to anything. Also the bosses are sorely lacking in variety, and the Final Boss, while very entertaining to look at, still feels like the first boss of any other platformer.

On the bright side though, playable Daisy is peak, and even if some Wonder Effects are repeated, at no point do they run out of new ideas and it's crazy to see how much NEW there is in every level. It's definitely one of Mario's best 2D adventures, but I can't call it the best as I believe that title fully belongs to Super Mario World. Still very much worth your time and a wonderful experience for 2D platformer fans.