Very solid chapter. Amazing meta ending. Plus, the change in the protagonist was a good choice so now there wasn’t 5 hours of SoL content. Yay!

Good game but Shin Megami Tensei I did the whole enemy recruitment thing better.

A very interesting prototype.

A gacha game based on a sick as fuck strategy RPG series? Cool but HARD pass.

The prototype of the game that JarinJove hates so god damn much.

It's peak fiction.

Today's gaming aside, I wished I kept my fat PlayStation 3 from my childhood. Back then it was just a nice fancy DVD player that I played shitty JRPGs and Call of Duty on but now I really want to play some of the console's best like Metal Gear Solid 4 and the Yakuza games along with the feeling to play games like that on playable original hardware and not a fucking $50000 PC rig with a 5 GHz just to play MGS4 at a stable 30 FPS. (Part 4 of a full Review)

I give this game a Shannon out of 10

King’s Field but guns. Masterpiece.

Bethesda should've gone under

Amazing. Horrific and unpredictable. The ending was very interesting and the slice of life content has started to grow on me.

I didn’t know there was a game where you were a schizophrenic who could talk to animals.

a total disappointment for 11 year old me

Pagemaster on Gb has a hidden dick game

"There are two more Cheat flags that may be enabled. Enable the Cheat flags menu first, do not set any cheat flags, then at the main menu input two more codes: Down, Down, Right, Up, Left, Left, Down, Right and Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left. After each sequence the sound will be heard. First one changes the bonus game dangerous falling objects into Fergus McGovern's (the founder of Probe software itself) face, similar to the Genesis version of Mortal Kombat II. The second one turns the main character in the bonus game into a penis, for some reason."