Great voice acting. Totally worth your time.

"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental programmer or law? Is it like the hand of Lusheris hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control even over the RNG..."
- The mid SRPG youtuber

Put your grasses on. It's Langrissing time again.

This game is really fun and truly improved a lot compared to its prequel. Masaya's music team completely knocked this soundtrack out of the park with this one. Characters and story is improved. Controls feel much better at least compared to the first game's mobile looking remake. The graphics are much better and aren't at all incomprehensible unlike the first game's Mega Drive version. And of course, it's fun. Highly recommend you check this one out.

This game has made me hate high school even more than before.

This isn't a joke review. I'm dead fucking serious this time.

I haven't experienced a game that people told me got good at the third act...until this game.

I have issues with this game. Too many to list. Of course, the level "design" is soulless and lacks any sort of fun. Earlier Xeno games would include little puzzles and would have some environmental storytelling. Whatever the fuck that means. The gameplay is bizarre and since I have never played an MMORPG, I am completely unfamiliar with this type of gameplay. And the walking speed is slower than a sloth.

The story? Ah yes. The thing I love about Xeno and video games in general (I'm a Visual Novel fan lol). So when I played this game, I was underwhelmed. Yeah there are cool ideas and such but this reminds me of a filler JRPG to wash your mouth of all the epic masterpieces or when there's nothing coming out at the time. The problem is, Xenosaga and Xenogears were the epics I wanted. And it turns out, this wasn’t meant to be Xeno. Until like they were 80% of the way done and decided “Hey let’s make this a Xeno. Change the already done story? Nah keep it.”

Riki. Holy shit. Riki. Football. That fucking football. I want to kill that piece of shit. That whole thing’s existence is just there to pad time. The fucker doesn’t talk about anything of worth (although this game’s standard of worth is already in the shitter) but when he does talk the dude’s always like “Look look big fishy fish”. Uhhhh yeah no shit Sherlock I know there’s a dinosaur in our presence can you get out of the way of the camera.

Anyways I’m done with this game. For now at least. I’ll pick it back up because I kinda have to because I paid $50 for this shit and I need to get my hard earned money’s worth since I literally never pay for games unless I absolutely have to. And when I play Xenoblade 2 and 3, I’ll be sure to emulate it (though maybe $60 for Xenogears with a harem definitely sounds worth the money).

I’m going back to my porn games.


I am the King of Sex just like Mr. Funk told me.

I can’t leave without my buddy Super Fly.

Namco more like Namcock fuck you make Xenosaga Remastered

A beautifully epic game with addictive and engaging gameplay. The difficulty is high and satisfying. Story is great for a 1995 Super Famicom game. And the branching story adds to factor of replayability. This game is up there with the all time greats of 16-Bit Strategy Games with Fire Emblem 4. I highly recommend it.

Truly a masterpiece. A confusing, mind binding, beautiful work that I can’t stop reading. The suspense is thrilling, the horror is crafted a million times better than whatever the fuck the survival horror genre is doing, and the mystery, while having all the clues laid out in front of you, allows you to theorize so much on what is going on Hinamizawa and what is truly happening. Also I’m happy the SoL content was cut in Ch. 4.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC is a fantastic sequel to an already good game.

In what can only be described as a mix between Golden Sun and Fire Emblem, Tales of the Sky SC doubles down on what made the older Final Fantasy games great by proving once again that the best JRPG's of all time were produced by Tri-Ace in the early 2000's. I would go as far as to say that this is the Final Fantasy X of the 2000's, it's just that good.

Nihon Falcon's second entry in the long-running Dragon Slayer saga picks up right at the end of FC, where Josh has left Estelle behind after realizing that he really was in fact the bad guy all along. Having vanished without a second rational thought, Josh leaves immediately to go hang out with the Akatsuki. Estelle leaves with her friend Anal Lace to go train in the woods, and after a very traumatic and horrifying experience, Estelle realizes that harmonica's are only capable of creating awful music.

Returning characters Tifa, Calvin, and Adol have their back-sides expanded upon, and much like sunscreen, gets everywhere and makes you feel good. Other characters include the very dull and unintersting Chloe von Einzburn, and Zin the Avatar, references to Orie and Aang specifically. Estelle continues to be the star of the show; brandishing a very large stick and a mouth that would get her sent to the principal's office, Estelle leads the gang very obviously, and it's clear form the get-go that she will be the one that takes the final step to villainhood.

The visuals are nice, taking inspiration from Breath of The Wild and Dragon Quest XII

(Thanks Dhoom)

I have played many a Final Fantasy...

Final Fantasy I gave me patience...
Final Fantasy II gave me nothing...
Final Fantasy III gave me boredom...
Final Fantasy IV gave me confusion...
Final Fantasy V gave me interest...
Final Fantasy VI gave me a beautiful storyline...
Final Fantasy VII gave me stunning 3D beauty...
Final Fantasy VIII gave me utter unplayable dogshit...
Final Fantasy IX gave me the 2nd best storyline...
Final Fantasy X gave me nothing but tedium for hours unend...

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