A short but fun portable Mario game.

Great game, but with some big flaws. The combat is great, and the story is good, but the levels are pretty bad. They’re so repetitive and uninspired in many cases. I knew going into it that “The Library” was bad, but it’s awful. Overall though, it’s a great start to the series.

I really like this version a lot. Back in 2011 this is the version of Sonic Generations I played first. I didn’t play the console version till a few months later. The levels are great, but it would've been better if they chose more levels from Sonics handheld history, like the Game Gear and Advance games. We just have 2, one from Sonic Rush and one from Sonic Colors. Still a great game overall. Now I want a new 2D Modern boost game. Or remaster the Sonic Advance and Rush games!

Life was too busy when it came out that I haven’t had the time to fully get into the game even though I started launch weekend. It’s spectacular, amazing, superior, astonishing… you get the idea. The gameplay is so good and fluid. It improves on the previous games so much that I feel, like with Zelda earlier this year, that it’ll be harder to go back to them. 100%ing this game didn’t feel like a chore. It was natural to do so as I played the through the story. Speaking of the story, I liked it a lot. Doesn’t break a whole lot of new ground for a Spider-Man story, but it’s still very good from start to finish.

Pokémon Black and White hold a special place in my heart. They’re the first Pokémon games I pre ordered, but I first played the fan translations that came out months before. Even though some consider the new Pokémon designs lazy or uninspired, I still love all of the ones introduced. Having access to only new Pokémon makes the games feel unique, since you can’t just track down that Pikachu or Gyarados you always use. While HeartGold and SoulSilver are my absolute favourite games in the series, Black and White are such a close second place. If not counting remakes, then first.

Pokémon Black and White hold a special place in my heart. They’re the first Pokémon games I pre ordered, but I first played the fan translations that came out months before. Even though some consider the new Pokémon designs lazy or uninspired, I still love all of the ones introduced. Having access to only new Pokémon makes the games feel unique, since you can’t just track down that Pikachu or Gyarados you always use. While HeartGold and SoulSilver are my absolute favourite games in the series, Black and White are such a close second place. If not counting remakes, then first.

This might be my favourite 2D Mario game of all time. The levels designs and aesthetics are brilliant, the music is phenomenal as ever, and the new power ups are fun to use. It’s all perfect. It has the right level of difficulty so that anyone can beat it and master it through trial and error.

Slight spoiler, but not really.

The final level of the main game is the best final level in any game. Period. It brings back most level/world gimmicks in one level that flows naturally from one part to the next. It is so well done.

As others have said. It’s still mindless power washing. I kinda liked how it was on the set of the movies, but in universe could’ve been sick. The levels were ok. Some were too tedious.

This review contains spoilers

8.5/10. I know people are mixed on this one, but I really loved my time with it. For an Ubisoft game, it was incredibly polished. It feels like classic AC, but with some of the newer games machanics. Story wasn’t bad, I liked having no present day sections. It might have been cool to show William Miles or Basim himself reliving the memories in the present after the end of Valhalla. But keeping it all in the past was a good call. I hope they keep making classic style AC between the bigger RPGs. I’m just upset the Japan game won’t be in this style.

Probably my favourite game in the series. Mercury Steam took what worked in Samus Returns and made it all better. The combat and movement is the best out of all the 2D games. The EMMI sections feel way more tense than the SA-X and do a great job of making you feel dread.

It was ok. Storyline was better than the main game, as that’s the main focus here. But the performance is worse than the main game. Compared to Sword and Shields for dlc pack. I don’t see myself playing this every time I play through this game. Hopefully the second DLC is better than this.

It was ok. Storyline was better than the main game, as that’s the main focus here. But the performance is worse than the main game. Compared to Sword and Shields for dlc pack. I don’t see myself playing this every time I play through this game. Hopefully the second DLC is better than this.

Not as good as the last two games. Even though it came out after Kirby’s Adventure, it takes too many steps back to be considered a true successor.

By the Mania, for the Mania!

A love letter to the classic games made by people who genuinely love and adore the series. So many Easter eggs, callbacks, and secrets sprinkled throughout the entire game. It truly looks like the next 2D Sonic game that would’ve released on the Sega Saturn, down to the look of the Special Stages. It plays perfectly. The physicals are the same as the original games thanks to Christian Whitehead and his Retro Engine which powered all the remasters of the Genesis and CD games. My only complaint with this game is that I wish that they had a few more original levels to balance out the returning ones. The new level themes are great and really stand out from the returning. I do wish this team got to do another game with all original levels. But it seems Sonic Team and Arzest are answering that call. Let’s see if that can live up to the fans expectations.

The best version of Kanto to play overall. The games are full on remakes of the original Red and Blue/Green in the Gen 3 engine with all of the improvements that came with it. They’re mostly a 1:1 remake, but with some added content like the new typings introduced in Gen 2, the Sevii Islands, and more. Speaking of the Sevii Islands, everytime I play these games I always am taken out of the story when Bill comes and whisks you away after beating the 7th gym. Though it’s only a short segment, I’m just too used to how Gen 1s story plays out that I wish I could skip that initial Sevii Islands visit. Overall though, these are fantastic games that you should play if you want to experience Kanto.