While I think some of the hate for this game is a bit reactionary and not fully deserved...yeah, this just isn't it. I think there's something to be said for how the actual gameplay itself feels when you get into that flow state while blasting hordes of minions, but the fact that the game does everything in its power to keep people from wanting to get to that point is a failure in design on its own. And even when you do get to enter that flow state, the game is constantly pulling you out with rewards screens and strangely long load times. The story of this has been talked to death at this point and I have no problem with other people hating it, I just...didn't. It has its issues, and if you see it as the conclusion of the beloved Arkamverse, I can understand some of the strong reactions. But there were enough jokes that made me laugh and you can't tell me that (most of) this voice cast wasn't putting in the work. I finished up the Platinum Trophy with my friends tonight, and I don't see myself going back to it ever, but I've played worse games with friends for a Platinum, so take that for what you will. In the end I think the worst thing Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League did was make the future of Rocksteady shaky at best.

Fantastic writing accentuates some great (if not a bit simplistic) Soulslike gameplay. Loved the storyline and its takedown of capitalistic greed, and I think after this and Going Under, I think I'd now consider myself a fan of Aggro Crab.

No filler, all…not quite killer, but pretty good! The levels are well designed for a quick drilling and thankfully never get a chance to outstay their welcome. Although I can't help but feel as though Pepper Grinder is missing that last bit of oomph that could have taken it to the next level, like a better use for all the gold you’re collecting on your adventure. Even still this is a very cool debut and I’ll be interested to see how the dev learns from this experience. I’ll be there day one for whatever they do next! …also…damn I miss the Vita…

Look, I think we can all agree that the multiplayer aspect of this game was fumbled. However, this is an HD port of one of my favorite games of all time and Battlefront 1, so I still had my fun with it. Just to be clear, the OG Battlefront 2 is still a straight up 9/10 for me.

Enjoyable for a few games, but strangely enough "Splatoon...but not" isn't a good enough hook to keep a player base active.

I enjoyed Helldivers 2 quite a bit at launch, but eventually the technical problems that I experienced after that first week and the lack of any sort of carrot-on-the-stick leveling kinda killed this game's momentum for me. Now that being said, I did put in 30 hours and enjoyed the majority of the time I put into Arrowhead's runaway success, I just wish I had the same love for this as everyone else seems to. I understand where the gaming community at large is coming from though, because there's a goofy joy that is hard to define when you group up with friends and continually blow each other up with rouge stratagem drops..."accidentally" of course. I just feel as though Helldivers 2 is missing a system that improves your firepower in a vertical sense, in addition to the more lateral stratagem unlocks. I understand that would come at the cost of not being able to easily play with anyone regardless of level, but without it I found it hard to feel any real sense of meaningful progression session to session. Of course, as with any games-as-a-service, the experience is expected to change with time, and I'd be interested to see what unpatriotic horrors befall Super Earth in a few months' time, but for now I'm content to hang up my Breaker and let my fellow Helldivers fight these wars for me.

When divorced from the unending bloat and forced trilogy capping of Borderlands 3, Gearbox was able to put together a fun side game that, though marred with a lot of the same "XD so random" humor, still finds a way to incorporate some genuinely fun moments. One mission actually even made me laugh out loud! For a series that I've always found a bit grating outside of the gameplay, Wonderlands is short and sweet enough that even the more played out elements weren't given a chance to grow stale.

An improvement over the original, but still missing a certain level of polish that could have made it truly shine. Unfortunately under GameMill, I don't see Ludosity ever being given the time or budget to make something that will stand the test of time. That being said, they really did the best they could.

Had a ton of fun platinuming this with my buddy. Excited to see how they expand and improve upon these ideas in the sequel and I'm sure we'll get to that soon enough. Until then, this was definitely my favorite of the co-op games he and I have torn through in the past few months.

Not my favorite co-op puzzle game I've played recently, but still had fun seeing how the game incorporated its spy concept into its puzzles. Plus it caused my friend and I to fight over what a straight line is, so that's always nice.

Up there with Left Behind as one of the greatest DLC’s of all time.

Armored Core VI is adrenaline in game form. I can’t wait to go back for the plat. Probably will drop a full review then.

This is far and away the best Soulslike not made by FromSoft. The levels of detail in the combat systems, weapon customization, and upgrade paths alone make this a journey so incredibly addicting to get lost in. That’s without even mentioning the fun story, truly incredible boss design, and a sequel tease that had me cheering for no damn good reason. It starts slow and the level design and aesthetic begins to feel a bit too familiar for my liking after a while, but I really cant commend the team enough for putting something together that doesn’t just emulate its inspiration, but truly expands upon it in meaningful ways. Plus the third from last boss (trying to go no spoilers here) is now one of my favorite Soulslike bosses for it’s punishing nature and outstanding design. I can’t wait to see how they follow this up.

This review contains spoilers

The duality of L1 + Square. Truly amazing. Keeps all the elements I loved from previous entries but does a great job of introducing new twists on the formula to keep things from ever feeling samey. This series continues to tell some of my favorite Spider-Man stories.