My Biggest Rating Differences

Basically this list is any game that has a significant difference between my score and the general average on Backlogged.

I knew damn well I am in the minority here but this plays out like a 4kids hackneyed anime id watch back in the late 90s. Its just not very intresting.
This feels like a game specifically made for sadists. I guess the score difference is literally because most people who dont care for this genre wouldnt even give it a second look and the ones who do are mostly up for that brick wall of a challenge. I just am not one of those people.
I dont know why theres a disconnect here. I find the game way too grindy and repetitive in nature thanks to it sticking too close to the 'fetch me 50 bear-butts' nature of MMO questing.
Far too up its own arse overall.
WHY ARE YOU NOT UNREAL TOURNAMENT. Boo. (yes this is a bad reason for not being into a game but I cant help it)
Fun bosses but as an actual Metroidvania it just fails completely for me thanks to everything being so linear.
I dont know why I dont gel with this game at all. I just really dont like it and find the hidden collectables and the unwanted assistance from other players more aggravating than helpful.
I dont get it. I dont. Why is 3 hours of childrens games before any plot a good thing. Its not character building. Its filler.
It feels like a good joke dragged out too far. It also makes the brutal mistake of being the things they are parodying.
Just a trial to get through with enemies that like to scan you through walls. Unfair.
Its just a rather clunky brawler, the sort I can find anywhere really. Its a bit dull.
Awful characters, boring dungeons, annoyingly high encounter rates. Its just bad and dated JRPG tropes throughout.
The reset mechanic I get is a very love/hate thing and sadly I fall on the hate side. It just feels like artificial lengthening and I dislike that.
This game just sets me off so fast its unreal. Its just total and complete sensory overload and I cant deal with it at all.
A close one but I feel while a lot of Nancy Drew fans hold nostalgia for this, I just find it to be an endless string of boring conversations over phones and thats never fun.
I get the ambition but this is full of sierra style gotchas where you can easily screw over your game because you happened to miss a key conversation, something VERY easily done in this game.
I literally have NO idea why the average here is so low apart from people just dumping 0.5/1 star scores on it because its popular to do so. Is this a good HD remaster? No. Is it an appalling pile of buggy shit? Absolutely not.
I do not get the hate behind this one. I found it to be really fun. I had a great time when this landed on NES online and played the heck out of it.


2 years ago

Time to add more to this list. Hooray.

2 years ago

So for the SH HD Collection (and remasters in general), different factors come into consideration when rating and reviewing (for me at least). It's playable for sure and a lot of the good bits about the originals are there still - but as remasters they're very poor, partly due to what little Konami were able to hand over to the dev studio tasked with making these. So from that perspective, the 1 star reviews and similar make sense.

2 years ago

I think its also because I often reserve 1 star ratings for the dreck of the dreck and while I dont think the HD collection is great, I also dont think its an unplayable stinkhole.

2 years ago

Have you ever played Silent Hill 2 and 3 in their original formats

2 years ago

I have yes, I have both on Ps2 and I agree, if you want to play the games, you're much better off getting the games on PS2 or the OG Xbox in the case of 2. I just dont think the HD collection is as much of a garbage fire as some people say it is.

2 years ago

K just checking

2 years ago

No problem. I did give both higher scores than the HD pack btw. I have adjusted it to 3/5 though. 3.5? Bit too much. 3/5 is perfect. (I gave SH2 a 4/5 and SH3 a 4.5/5 btw. I will also say I very rarely use my full 5/5)

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