An all around improvement to Uncharted 1, better set pieces, more colorful and detailed, better shooting, story and pacing. There are some bad things I don't see a lot of people talking about though, the game is kinda glitchy (at least the Nathan Drake collection version) the end portion is kind of weak, and the final boss in the hardest difficulty is absolutely god-awful, he is so unfair and frustrating that it just makes you want to stop playing and just watch the final cutscene on YouTube. I only managed to beat him because I accidentally glitched into a wall where I could shoot him, but he couldn't hit me (happened twice, but I accidentally glitched back in and died the first time) Overall, a very good game, and a great sequel 7.5/10

Spider-Man for the PS4 does some stuff incredibly right, such as its story which just "gets Spider-Man", and its traversal system which is fun for the most part (even if it does start getting kinda dull as the game reaches its conclusion), however all of the things Spider-Man PS4 gets right are wrapped by all the dull shit. Most open world side-missions are not only repetitive, but also incredibly dull even the first time around, not to mention all the "clear an outpost" type missions that get separated in a bunch of different categories when they're essentially the same thing repeated ad nauseam with different skins for enemies, and sometimes a different enemy variant. The combat is very repetitive, and the boss fights are just straight up bad or boring. 6.5/10

Really just forgettable compared to the sequels. It looks a bit dated, with a saturated color-palette, the environments aren't really memorable, and blend together by the end. The gameplay (not many guns like the later entries, and also the most simplistic climbing) and story also aren't much better. The set pieces (specially the fucking jet-ski levels) are almost a joke compared to the ones in Uncharted 2 and 3. In the end it's just a kind of forgettable Indiana Jones homage. I would probably give it a 4.5 to a 5 if it wasn't for the ship level, which is by far the best set piece in the game, and is so good it bumps the game up to a 5.5/10

One of the greatest games ever made. One of the only open world games (or games in general for that matter) that achieves making its world feel so alive and fantastical; and the adventure you go on grandiose. All accomplished through the incredible exploration-based gameplay that makes it so every hour is a different unique story. 10/10

Best in the PS3 trilogy. It's got the best melee combat, gunplay and set-pieces by far, with the plane set-piece being so good it instantly became the most iconic part of the series. While the story stumbles around a little bit here and there it's got heart, and seems to genuinely want to understand and explore Nate and Sully's relationship. Overall great 8.5/10

Great, and has incredible heart. You can feel it every time the characters open their mouths, every time that they stop the main story and start explaining sci-fi tech that no one cares about, because KOJIMA cares about it. He cares about making it make sense, even the tiniest of detail like "how can the enemies not hear the codec beeping?"
Really, I love all the details. Like how before the Mantis fight if you punch Meryl she punches back, but when she gets mind controlled she just stands there. There's just so much love poured into all of it
Metal Gear in the hands of someone who doesn't care about it even half as Kojima does would majorly suck ass

Really, the thing that makes or breaks a sandbox game is the relationship between the freedom you're given to do whatever you want and the structure provided by the game that holds it together. Some games like terraria like to focus on the latter, giving an insane amount of things for the player to do. But I think Minecraft strikes a perfect balance, you're given a limitless number of things you can do, while always being given a simplistic structure by the game which lets creativity shine. It's a game that is as great as you make it

Absolutely great game that is fun at a surface level, and packs a hard-hitting message on violence. Best part being that it mixes those two together to create a truly transcendental game. There is no feeling like clearing a house packed with Russian mafia bastards only to walk your way back to the entrance as the music that once blasted with action is now confused and mumbling while walking past all the bloody corpses you created. 9.5/10