Allright so this game is good right. Made by the same people that made Titan Souls. So i really am lazy in my explanations and games and there is a reason for that. i am lazy i said it right in the start. But this games deserves to be played and explored at your own pace no need to rush oh get frustrated at it and such. Take your time and you will beat it and unlock all of its secrets and remember don't be afraid to be lost and wander and don't resort for the guide unless its like 100% the game or those 50 [REDACTED] to collect. I have 1 gripe with the game and that it needed no matter how obscure it needed a map, just something very simple not looking for something very detailed something very slight or better yet just get the wind to guide you if you are really stuck. But that's just a minor gripe i have with the game. It doesn't impact it's score just because of it.
Anyway i even forgot what i was writing about just go and play it and play Titan Souls as well, kino game.

I have played this game and beaten it many times before on a lot of consoles and such. I grabbed it for my deck now as well.
Igarashi you bastard i love you.If you are a fan of Castlevania 3, its that but just more accessible. From the platforming to the combat and the very tasteful casual mode that i recommend most people play on.Makes the game a masterpiece even better then ritual of the night.
The game is short but so sweet. Almost every run i do no mater if its with full party or not(don't want to spoil anything) usually takes me and hours or so to beat so its a very pick up and play game so it never gets to be boring.
With that go get the game it is a very good price for the amount of enjoyment you can squeeze out of it.
Truly a Modern NES game in every sense of the word.

Haven't played a mega man game in a while and decided oh wait i have this in the back of my mind so i played through it.
Oh my god i love all of the characters especially the villain's.
Honestly who did the cut scene's needs to be given a lot of praise because they are my favorite part of the game.
They might look primitive now but god damn i miss in engine cut scene's that aren't trying to be hyper realistic and shit.
Man i really want to continue playing the second game and misadventures of tron bonne but ill hold off because next on my docket is Metroid Prime.
Sorry i went on a tangent there.
Anyway the gameplay is of course a bit of an annoyance. Who would have thought a 3d ps 1 game that has weird controls well not that weird they are pretty all right took me like an hour to get them down. But i cant speak for everyone since i am also very used to tank controls and playing games that didn't have analog sticks and such. But i can see people not being able to get over it, hell i have a friend that just can not play the og resident evil games because of the tank controls. I would just say skill issue but....
Anyway i love the progression in the game, exploration and the way you get side quests.
I dont want to reveal anything more than that since i am lazy to type and i wish people play this gem.

Oh boy i love this game but it has something dragging it down and of course it the double mechanic castle thingy.
Story wise its amazing i like the duality of Maxim he has those wolves in side of him. But there are a lot of things that i love from combinations of equipment and spellbook's to the design of the castle and the variations. It just feels like the castles should have been a tiny bit more different, enemies and the background is fine but at the end of the day you are going through the same castle, but what i love is the set pieces in the game. From destroying pillars to make a ramp to pushing a giant suit of armor into grinding wheels to well grind him or the one that just trips down the stairs to break open a rock man this game is funny. What was i talking about idk man play this game with a guide if you are stuck to give your self some sense of direction and IMPORTANT:
-press down when in the huge circular place that switches sides from A to B because that will teleport you
-Press RB+LB+Down arrow to turn on and off spellbooks
Goodnight and have a great time.

I tried to play and finish the game couple of times but there are some very interesting choices that stop me from enjoying and finishing the game. I don't like to be overly negative especially around my darling series Castlevania.
Movement you know is suppose to be the last thing that is annoying or tedious and sadly it is tedious in this game. Probably my least favorite out of all three GBA games.
Again i seem to be in the minority when it comes to this game maybe it wont be annoying to you but i recommend playing the romhack with auto sprint enabled which introduces its own problems but oh well.

Listen i am all warframed out. They get new quests which i usually play but it feels like torture to play or better said grind for anything other than that. Don't get me wrong i have made great friends on that game and amazing memories.
If you are looking for an amazing free game you got one right here but FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME. If you try to do a lot of things at once or you get easily distracted you will not have a good time have a wiki and maybe a clan member near by. Also yes Clans join one and start talking to dudes or guys
and perhaps even men. this is a social mmo like game thingy it will make the grind easier to handle. Anyway go play the new Farming Simulator

Played it on the Deck.
What can i say top of the line castlevania for the GBA.
It doesn't take too long even tho i say it still took me 8 hours which felt like 3 hours i usually feel fatigued after playing a search-action game but not whit this one.
This game is what i like to present to my friends that usually say that they get burned out on symphony of the night because its just that game but with all fat sheered off.
I like the soul expect of the game it adds a lot to it, i guess the grinding expect is the only problem with the game.
The one i thing i don't like is that there are some monsters that are really annoying to get looking at you flying fish.
I am not too big on achievements but retro achievements has added a bit of fresh air into some of these games especially if you have played these games a billion of times.
ANYWAY Do not miss out on this game.

Played the game on the steam deck with following changes.
60fps in gameplay
Right stick aiming
That has made replaying this gem a whole lot better.
One of the first games i played on my psp (Rip my beautiful) and loved it.
From writing to gameplay to the wacky Monster hunter tie in.
The game ooozzzzzeeeesss creativity and it always makes me go god damn psp was a beast to be able to play this, with so much content. If i ever find some friends it would be amazing to do multiplayer co-op missions with them.
Any way its a Metal Gear Solid game but on the go and its a 10/10 experience

Ok my favorite game ever made, i played since there was only shovel knight and continued playing to almost the end, now the only campaign that remains is King Knight and i will return to it. What can i say to the rest of the campaigns tho i did everything when it comes to shovel knight, Plague knight (My beloved) and Specter Knight. i loved everything about it from the graphics to the music to gameplay to the characters it was so good. to play and replay again and again and will continue to replay the game on many platforms (Pc,3ds,vita...)
Just look at any gameplay trailer or video and you will be able to tell if the game is for you.
The reason i haven't finished King Knight was because it had a card game based thing which i didn't feel like i wanted to learn at the time.

I will honestly just say this the game hooked me from the start. i played the early access when there was only 1 episode and did everything you can possibly do. Great game if i was only talking about chapter 1. Chapter 2 is pretty good continues what was great from chapter 1 now set in a swamp map with unique characters and an actual choice do you save the pretty lady or the priest.(you probably know which one i chose) But i will say that the chapter 2 was kinda ruined because of the ending boss fight, it just felt like there was more to be done there but they failed to find a way to make it work. Then chapter 3 starts and i just could not, i played it for like 3 hours after that and i didn't want to continue. The biggest reason why i stopped playing was because when you transition from one area to the next the previous area weapons are obsolete, which would be fine if you were provided weapons or a way to go through the early stage of the chapter to get geared up. It could also be that because i was playing it one after another that i got burned out. ill probably return to this game later.

I started my adventure into this trash heap of a world in 2024
and i must say its not bad its not also good but its interesting.
If i had a knife and a lot of time i could go through the game and pick out the best (which there is btw) and separate it from the worst of the game but its a bethesda game so fuck i aint doing that. i started my journey as a punishment and have promised to get to 40 hours but i ended putting in ha ha funny 76 hours. Now why did i do that well dear reader i "liked" the later parts of the game, you just have to suffer through the first 20 hours until you are leveled enough to start the Interesting quest lines that don't sound computer generated. I like to give every game a fair shake you know pros and cons and
whatever . I find my self that i usually have more to say about bad games then i do of good ones.So i will conclude this with saying play this game if you have nothing better to do and only get it on a very steep discount. It is a time sink that tries to scam you out of your money for time savers. I dont recommended it what so ever but will say that its not as bad "NOW" but it earned its reputation for a reason.

The game is very good,
It looks beautiful, story is intriguing but it should have been 10-15 shorter.
Combat is very weak and i like that its real time and not a jrpg which i though it was at the time but i will say i enjoyed the ingame game Earth Borne way more.
I have not played the dlc but i will rectify that in the future.

I honestly like the game it is fantastic.
Buuuuut the mmo aspect of the game just kills it for me.
I tried to power through it but it doesn't hold my attention.
So please take my 3 stars as i love everything the game does but i just cant get my self to finish it.

3D search-action goodness.
It is very well executed and it knows what it wants to be,
Its a good 3d platformer with metroidvania elements.
Not much to be said about the game it is a very good and if you are into it there is a level creator which can extend your play time.

It is amazing that i play through a game and enjoy it from start to finish but have almost nothing to say about it.
Because this game has an interesting setting, graphics, the blend of cyberpunk and SCP is interesting but very shallow, it feels like it hasn't been properly integrated in.
Gameplay is smooth and responsive i like the skill tree but again there is something at the back of my mind that keeps gnawing at me and it feels like they wanted to make 2 games but ended up blending them together and one game keeps bringing the other down and vice versa.
Still the game is interesting and cute, everything else around the game is neatly executed except the main story.