28 reviews liked by Jessimattayis

The Stanley Parable is my favourite indie game of all time. It combines so many things that I love and crafts them into a hilarious mind bending experience that I really think everyone should try.

This game manages to create one of the creepiest atmospheres just purely via the sound design alone. The Stanley Parable uses silence as a tension builder really effectively as you normally have the narrator talking away but when everything goes silent, it really builds up that amazing creepy atmosphere.

Speaking off The Narrator, he is amazingly portrayed by Kevan Brighting who conveys so many different emotions so well through a character who you dont even see. The Narrator really makes this game what it is with all of his meta dialogue which is something that I am a huge fan of and this feeds right into the next part.

The Stanley Parable is one of the best non linear games you can get. I think there is 42 endings in total including ones added in the Ultra Deluxe edition, which makes for a good few hours of playtime. Thankfully most endings can be either stumbled upon or worked out by taking different paths. Since the game doesn't tell you which endings you have and haven't got, if you are going the completionist route looking up a guide is probably a good idea. Each ending feels different and has really unique dialogue, a few of my favourites are: "The Zending", "The Games Ending", "The Not-Stanley Ending" and "The Confusion Ending".

Visually for an indie game it looks fantastic, great landscapes and textures. The office looks great and is designed in a great way where you can never really know what you are going to turn the corner and see. It also features some amazing ambience music.

One of the best Indie games of all time and 100% worth playing.

God what I would give to play this game as a guy named Jim.

It's easy to tell when my life is falling apart because my journal entries are all just replays of games I fell in love with when my life was falling apart.

This review contains spoilers

Warning: this review is about an 18+ game and will touch on topics not suited for minors, if you are one do not read and do not interact. This is also why I'm spoilering this on this page.

TW: i will be talking about pornographic content (but not to the extent where i’ll be describing anything related to them), sex, gender disphoria, family acceptance and suicidal thoughts

Disclaimer: I understand things don’t exist in a vacuum. There are people with trauma and scars I can't begin to comprehend in this world. Porn addiction is a real thing that afflicts many men, young and old and that affects primarily women in terrible ways. I also understand a lot of the anti-sex culture comes from years and years of unchecked female objectification in the media and a justified disdain for the porn industry. Nevertheless, I think this cultural push is prejudicial mainly for women and queer people, it’s part of a conservative agenda that gets pushed more and more in progressive communities due to the fact that young people, usually women, are generally shamed or encouraged to not pursue an understanding of their own sexuality. I also believe this is due to the sanitization of media, not in a censorship way, but in a safe, non-transgressive way, trying to appeal to both conservatives and the anti-sex youth and infantilizing art all around. Be aware that these are only the musings of a bissexual trans woman with a design major, i’m not an anthropologist nor do I aspire to be. It’ll also get a bit personal if the TW were not clear. Not enough to elicit unpleasant images on the minds of those who read this, but personal enough. Why i’m writing this on backloggd of all places is a true mystery, i guess i just wanted it attached to this game that made me think a whole lot. I’m gonna transpose this text into pt-br on my substack at some point, at least. whoops i already did it before posting here

Inspirations for this text were Everyone is Beautiful And No One Is Horny, The Puritanical Eye: Hyper-Mediation, Sex On Film, And The Disavowal Of Desire and this video The PC-98 Game with the Funniest Name (and Finding Meaning in Art)

In this day and age where liking something is akin to a whole moral stance, it’s no wonder that engaging with erotic media is seen as undesirable and a sign of a bad person overall. It’s too personal, too self-indulgent and a trait exhibited by incel 4chan types. Why would you want to associate with that? Though I guess the counter question would be, why are you associating someone’s media engagement with that? Are we only our tastes now? Did we lose complexity as human beings? Is this just another facet of the culture wars? I keep wondering…

If you ever read that eroges were the cornerstone of the japanese game industry you won’t be surprised to know that statement is entirely true. Many men and women got their jumpstart in this industry, for better or for worse, via eroges, and went to do bigger, more mainstream commercial things. While this makes it seem that eroges are somewhat a lesser genre that only serve as a career stepping stone, it’s also evident that many a great auteurs started experimenting with this freer, less constrained, PC-bound genre and that much of this experience would leak into their later works, even if the eroticism part was completely removed from them. Gen Urobuchi, Ryukishi07 and Itaru Hinoue come to mind.

Within the eroge community, there is a division between eroges and nukiges. Eroges, more well known, are usually regarded as story driven games that feature sex scenes in some way or another, be it by player pursuit or simply being how the story goes. Nukiges, on the other hand, are classified as satisfaction games, games where you know what you’re getting and that usually develop their sexual part much faster than eroges. Both kinds of games gave rise to the visual novel genre, which eventually also gave rise to the otome game genre, types of game that are usually inherently sexual even if not explicitly so. So even something as beautiful, complex and multilayered like The House in Fata Morgana will end up circling back its roots to eroge. And here’s where I say what I’ve been wanting to say these last two paragraphs: that’s not bad, it should not be seen as bad and absolutely not shamed into oblivion. Sexual desire is a natural part of being human (so is it’s lack i’m not throwing ace people under the bus here!) and a lack of understanding of these desires hurts us as a whole.

To the sexually adverse youth, sex scenes have no business being in any movie unless they “advance the plot” (whatever that may mean), otherwise they’re the product of porn addicts winning more space than they should. Sex is seen as repulsive, somewhat unnatural, but even worse, as male gendered. Years and years of the sexual liberation of women chewed and spit out for superficial rhetoric and moral superiority. Women don’t engage with porn, or erotica, or hentai, or even sex, no, that’s a man’s thing, women do not have agency, they do not think for themselves and they do not know what is best. It’s literal infantilization. In an age where fanfiction is more readily available than ever, where women can publish their own horny stories and these get adapted into movies, where they are reaping the seeds of what they rightly fought for, even though Twilight get treated like cultural malaise and 50 Shades of Grey like they murdered someone’s entire family. god there is so much smut for women written for women it’s not even funny, you play 1 (one) otome game and tell me how you feel. If you don’t feel intense sexual energy pouring from it i don’t know what to tell you, other than women should be able to decide what they want and do not want. And they shouldn’t be shamed for it.

When I say this hurts women and queer people I’m quite literal about it, you’d think it’d hurt men the most because that is their whole thing, being creepy porn addicts, right? But the thing is, these words do not reach them and they will never reach them, not the ones that it should reach at least. Condemning sex and eroticism to some sort of male perversion is condemning all sexually active lesbians in the world into some sort of hierarchical antiquated understanding of homossexuality where someone has to be the man and someone has to be the woman in the relationship. It’s literally regressive. And not only that, it makes people feel horrible, like, suicidal horrible, because, believe it or not, sexual content is a huge force into a lot of queer people’s discovery of their own identity. And we shame them, we shame them terribly and of course they’re gonna think something is wrong and impure with them, because they’re being shamed by their peers, which is arguably worse than being shamed by older people or by a big faceless institution like the church. It’s their own friends, some of them queer themselves even, that will shame them. I used to lurk a lot of transgender subreddits as i’m wont to do, and the number of heartbreaking posts of potentially trans men and women horrified that they may have discovered their identity through porn, through hentai or erotica or fetishes and them trying with all their might to get external validation that they’re not some creepy shitty fetichists for engaging with what is a absolutely normal part of understanding yourself is despair inducing. These are probably all good people at heart, that might be shamed into living a miserable life out of pure guilt, out of being told by proxy they’re terrible and sick in the head.

There’s this webcomic called Heartstopper (it even got a Netflix series wow!), which is an absolutely harmless (more on this later) piece of BL media that mostly features cute, fairy tale-like LGBT high school romances that do not dip into sexuality at all. I have not read it but it seems ok by how my friends talked about it when reading. Also the author famously went on record to say that they think Heartstopper is better than yaoi/BL because those genres famously fetishize queer men and her story is much much purer and realistic. I think calling out an entire genre from a foreign country fetishistic while gassing yourself up even though you are in a very similar boat is a very very shitty thing to do, but it is also symptomatic of this anti-sex movement mine and the younger generation are experiencing right now. Non-sexual is seen as realistic, pure and correct, while sexual themes are seen as depraved. The thing is, is that the bar for sexual is so so low, that a more involved kiss from two queer people might as well be exceedingly sexual. If these are not conservative talk points themselves I have no idea what else they are. It’s also very telling how a large part of Heartstoppers public are cishet people who are happy to finally see some LGBT work that is not transgressive to their sensibilities. They also harass a lot of queer artists that have more sexual tones in their work, with Heartstopper very likely being their sole contact with LGBT media, by which they then complain that they yearn for “more works like this”, which purely means sanitized LGBT works. It sucks so much in here.

I was born in a sex-positive household. Of course, my parents respected my age and I only started to have this kind of talk when I was old enough to have it, but from then on I was never shielded from this aspect of being human. I was well taught enough to understand what it meant and its repercussions. I understand this was a privilege, and one I’m well aware of why I had it. I’m so highly aware of it that it sometimes causes me horrible dysphoria because it should be like this for everyone. My saving grace was being told that there’s a time and place to talk about everything, always being taught to respect other people to a great extent and my then rapidly growing gender dysphoria. I genuinely dislike talking about this topic with kids my age, they were crass and terrible and of course mostly misogynistic. I hated it. I wanted nothing to do with it so I kept to myself, a lot. Like a whole lot. So much so that some people thought I was ace, when in reality I was just disgusted at their behavior.

I was very much fascinated by transgressive media, by media that talked about sex, that media that did would portray what was usually hidden. I’d shy away from things I felt were criminal and horrible, but it also would not stop me from reading the entire summary of Saya no Uta. I’d engage with it from a distance, one comfortable enough for me. Fast forward a lot of years later, I’m a wreck. I don’t know who I am, I feel like dying, I feel like this is my last chance on Earth. While it may sound like some horrible form of coping, eroges (very few even still) help me reclaim something, some part of me that is weirdly hidden, something I'm not understanding. I’m a bit more open when I talk about playing them, but not to an extent where I make it my whole personality. I’m very lost and I’m very afraid of dying to Covid and not being able to be happy, to truly be at peace with myself. I wonder what’s wrong.

Some months later into the next year my grandpa died of Covid. He was already very old so it doesn’t feel extremely bad, but I’m still very sad. During these past months before his death I finally understood what was gnawing on me. I had gender dysphoria. Like really bad. Like so bad I only understood how bad it was after I got out of it. I’ve been going at it for like 15 years now with it getting worse every 5 years. Life is short. I wasn’t able to tell my grandpa who I really was, but I could tell the rest of my family. I did and I’m glad to say I’m lucky enough to have spent this Christmas with them in a very pretty dress with pretty make-up that makes me happy. I also have a lovely boyfriend whom I love very very much, after spending 12 years with a person that did not really want to have a life with me even if we liked each other. I’m in a much better place all around and I get a rekindled interest in eroges. Honestly, I could just ignore what I experienced 3 years ago, I could find it repulsive even, but I don’t. Sometimes I worry I’m too much of an open book, I don’t hide these games on steam or backloggd even, but I’m not ashamed of engaging with the games I did back then, nor of talking about them, it helped me cope and hold myself together, and it probably helped me understand who I am better. While I don’t need them as coping mechanisms anymore, these types of games still fascinate me. Be it if they’re story driven games that happen to feature sex, or nukiges that are more to the point than anything, it is endlessly fascinating how everything can mean something different to different people. Even the horny weird sex game that they may play from time to time.

I’m trying to move away from judging people solely by their tastes. Sometimes it’s hard, there -is- some stuff that I find truly despicable and I don’t think I’m ready to look at it in good faith. And some people do make their tastes their whole personality, even more people that feel like they should fight against common sense perpetually as some sort of paragon of individualism. But I don’t feel like judging someone for their tastes anymore, rather than their actions. And I think we’d have a healthier online space if less people did that, you’ll be surprised by how diverse the people who enjoy eroges, hentai, erotica and things like that can be. We’d gain from that and from being less sex-negative overall. There is a reason why all of my inspirations for this text were written by women and queer people.


Blackberry Honey is a very very cute lesbian love story set in the Victorian era that uses this backdrop to try to explore the hardships faced by the poor women in that era, mainly how they had to take in maid work to sustain their families. The story is centered around Lorina, a passionate but ultimately powerless maid that has to deal with abuse from her employers and co-workers. It’s frustrating and unfair, with her being unable to fight back due to her delicate position in the household. We as the player have no say in the matter as the game is a pure reading experience, no choices and no routes to take, you simply read the text and look at the CG. Ultimately as the game’s key art very eagerly tells you, our heroine eventually falls in love with the half-chinese parlor maid Taohua.

It’s an overall very lighthearted story that deals with topics like wealth inequality, not belonging due to one's appearance and being true to oneself. It doesn’t ever reach any conclusions in these topics but that’s mainly because it doesn’t have to, that’s just their reality being acknowledged. Also there are the sex scenes. You can play a version without them, but as I wrote that whole prose above, I feel that doing that would be a disservice to the simple fact that it exists and that the writer wrote them. I also appreciated how the game sensibly presented how important consent is, even if there is some powerplay involved in their relationship. All in all it’s a cute hopeful lighthearted game that made me cry a few times (even in the steamy scenes!) and miss my bf terribly. And it also made me put out my thoughts on how these kinds of games can be special, even with all the stigma around them.

The game so nice, they made it twice! Honestly, it was inevitable that the title an overzealous journalist once referred to as "gaming's Citizen Kane moment" would become a lightning rod for the most obnoxious people on the Internet. You know who you are, don't be shy! While The Last of Us certainly isn't a Wellesian masterpiece, it is a Druckmannian masterpiece, which is just as good if not better. The Last of Us has a story to tell, something to say about the human condition, and it doesn't pussyfoot around with bullshit player agency or time-consuming open-world checklists. It's a polished experience that knows when to give the player control and when to take that control away; an experience of unmatched visual presentation and aural splendor. (Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are giving better performances here than the entirety of the games industry has in its near 50-year existence.) This whole campaign of negativity spurred on by people with anime avatars and games with titles like "Boku No Wife's Boyfriend" as their favorites is a massive psy-op and if you don't believe me, check the profiles of everyone giving this remake anything less than three stars. The Last of Us is an unparalleled interactive experience that looks finer, plays better, and hits harder than it did now that it's been brought up to the standard of its magnificent sequel. There isn't much more to say that hasn't been said by myself or others already. The wizards at Naughty Dog perfected perfection. Get Druckmannized.

this is the worst thing i have ever played but i played it with someone i like so i associate it with them so 5 stars

No Spoilers 1000%

A Place to Call Home
Overall, I like the Life is Strange franchise. I really like the original game, I think 2 is okay. I wasn’t a fan of Before the Storm at the time but I will check it out again soon. I don’t think any Life is Strange game is bad but it was clear that the original one was the best one and none of the others came close. Well, I am happy to report that True Colors not only comes close to that level but in my opinion, it surpasses it.

Yes, I think True Colors is the best Life is Strange game so far and I would even say that I think it’s in my Top 3 interactive movies of all time. With Detroit and The Walking Dead Season 1. Surprised? Yeah, me too. I definitely did not see this coming. But here in this review I will do my best to sell the game to you. I hope I can manage it because it really is amazing.

In True Colors, we play as Alex Chen; a new main character for the series. If you didn’t know, Life is Strange is an anthology so you can start with any of the main games. After having some problems with her orphanage, she leaves that life behind to start a new life in Haven Springs; a small mining town in Colorado with her long lost big brother, Gabe Chen.

Alex, has a strange ability. She can see people’s emotions and if those emotions are too strong, she feels the same emotions as well and she can’t hold it in. If she is near a very angry person for example, she becomes very angry and starts attacking nearby people. Or if she is near a very depressed person, she can lock herself in a room and stay there for a day or two.

And not long after she comes to the town, a tragedy happens which leads Alex and her new group of friends to figuring out a deep cover up that connects the present tragedy to the town’s hidden history. So yeah, the main story is a mystery and like all good mysteries; there are some clever and unexpected twists.

But I have to say that the story here focuses more on character relationships compared to that mystery. Haven Springs is a small town. So you will get to know the characters here. And the game’s main goal is that. Finding a home, starting a new life. And I have to say, characters are excellent.

Starting with our main character Alex Chen. First of all, her voice actress Erika Mori does a phenomenal job. She was snubbed of the Best Peformance award in Game Awards 2021, for sure. Alex has a troubled past that she tries to bury and she really doesn’t like her powers because they get her in serious trouble. She is also very funny and charming. She is a nice person but she lost her way. And trying to find a new for her really changed me as well. Her endless search of hope, love and a home truly made me emotional.

Speaking of emotional, I cried multiple times during the story. The ending just destroyed me but we will come to that later but the first crying point was just near the beginning. Like one hour in, seeing Alex and Gabe’s reunion and their love of each other made me so happy and so sad at the same time. Gabe’s voice actor Han Soto also deserves a shout out because he did a perfect job as well.

We also have 2 romantic interests for Alex. With Ryan or Steph. You can choose one of them or you may continue as a single person as well but I heard that being a single was a bit difficult. Anyway, I chose Ryan so I will start with him. He could have been a deeper character and while I like what voice actor Eric Emery did, he could have done more as well. But, Ryan’s place in this story is just so important and so interesting that I have to say I loved the character.

His relationship with Alex can go to pretty interesting places by the choices you make and that is a great thing because one of the biggest problems of this game are the choices. Again, we will talk about it later. The other romantic interest, Steph though is a pretty good character. I just didn’t think they were romantically good with Alex but as a friend, Steph was great.

We learn more about her backstory compared to Ryan which makes her a stronger character and she was also actually featured in a previous Life is Strange game called Before the Storm. Though I didn’t remember her and I was totally fine with her being here. Before the Storm is not required to understand this character. I also really loved the voice actress, Katy Bentz. There are more side characters but these 4 are the core group let’s say and I really liked each and every single one of them.

Now, let’s talk about the ending real quick. I know that many people didn’t liked it. I didn’t liked the fact that our choices didn’t matter too much. But I LOVED the ending. Oh my god, I cried so hard. I think it gives that fundamental question of this game, an answer. Can you find a home on your own? Can you make a place your home? And I think it gives it a solid answer in all endings of the game. Yes, it’s a bit slower and grounded compared to other Life is Strange endings but I think the whole game is like that.

Yeah, let’s get into the gameplay and talk about that. This game is not a super power fantasy game or anything. True Colors, like all the games in the series before it is an interactive movie type adventure game. It’s very story driven. But in previous main Life is Strange games, powers were really important. The first game had time travel and the second game had levitation powers. And you could do a lot with those powers in the gameplay and their gameplay were sort of defined by that powers.

You solved puzzles with those powers, you moved forward through the story with these powers. In True Colors, that’s not the case. In most of the game, you will walk and you will talk to people. You will make some smaller choices that doesn’t impact much. They just change the dialogue. And you will make some choices that changes somethings. Some of them will change the ending, the relationship ones in particular.

And that’s kind of it. You can use your emotional powers by pressing and holding L2 and then holding X on an object or a person to see the emotions. On an object, you actually see a memory attached to that object but you can’t use your powers on every object or on every human. You can do it on some pre determined objects or people.

In some of the more key areas of the game, you will use your power to enter into another person’s mindset to interact with environmental objects and see it through their eyes. So that you can help the person defeat that emotion or let it sink down into it even more.

So powers are mostly about the narrative. Not the gameplay. But you might be asking, isn’t that boring? Just walking, talking etc. Yes, it is. And guess what? The developers at Deck Nine found a solution to that as well. True Colors is filled with mini games. Some small, some big. I can’t spoil the most fun ones but I will say some of the early ones.

You can play Foosball for example with someone which was one of the coolest scenes ever. There is also a scene where you look at a comic book and try to compare it to real life in order to search for someone.

Like I said, there is one that is just incredible but spoiling it could be a sin so I am not doing that. Just trust me, the game knows that it’s gameplay might bore people quickly and they tried their best to add variety and I think they did a great job. Chapter 3 for example, is the Chapter I am talking about that just goes crazy. Like, wow. The game becomes something else entirely. And it was crazy to see that.

Speaking of Chapters, True Colors has 5 and they were all available at launch. Each one of them is around 2 hours if you go for everything. But if you just follow the main story path, it’s more around 80-90 minutes. The game is short. Exploring everything and getting the platinum in one single playthrough took me 12 hours. But I think an average playthrough will be more closer to 8-10 hours.

And the game is also not very replayable. Because the choices here, really doesn’t change much. The biggest change comes from changing your romantic interest but even that isn’t worth replaying the whole game because the romance stuff kick in hard mostly in Chapter 4. Chapters 1 and 2 are more like setup. 3 is something very crazy, interesting and fun but it’s a little bit like a side quest.

4 is where the romantic stuff happens and 5 is the chapter where the story comes together and the mystery gets resolved. Though each episode makes some progress in the mystery storyline so don’t worry about that.

Let’s talk real quick about the technical stuff and then get to the verdict. I played the whole game on PS5. I played in the high resolution mode and I played the game Ray Tracing on. The game looks beautiful. Environmental art is just gorgeous. Haven Springs was really a place where I wanted to be in. It’s better than the original game’s Arcadia Bay. This town looked incredible.

Facial animations are also much improved as well as the body movement. Especially Alex and Steph’s facial animations are next level. But unfortunately, side characters doesn’t get that much detail and I don’t know why but the beards looks weird. Performance wise, there were some problems on PS5. And turning Ray Tracing off didn’t help so I switched it back on. It’s not a big issue and it mostly works flawlessly at night and indoors.

But the main Haven Springs outdoor area in the morning causes some frame drops which was unfortunate to see. On the high resolution mode the game works at 30 FPS and 4K resolution though Ray Tracing being on could lower the resolution, I am not sure. On Performance mode the game works on 60 FPS but as a slow and atmospheric story driven game, I highly recommend you to choose High Resolution especially if you have a 4K TV. I am sure that you will love Haven Springs as much as I did.

Sound design is pretty cool especially when we use our powers to see emotional memories of other people. The sounds becomes distorted and different otherworldly sounds appears, it’s pretty good. And the overall soundtrack is fantastic as well. There are some well known songs as well as some original ones that really embraces you and pulls you into the atmosphere.

“Zen Moments” as the game calls it which is a feature of all Life is Strange games are also the best in the series. In these moments the music kicks in hard and you can sink yourself into the environment. Don’t worry, most of these are optional if you are not interested in these kinds of stuff.

Life is Strange: True Colors is an amazing game. It has a great story with a solid ending, amazing characters, incredible performances, really good and varied gameplay and incredible graphics and music. Unfortunately, the choices doesn’t change the game much which pretty much kills the replayability and the game is short but currently it’s on PS Plus Extra and the game goes on sale frequently so I think these are not too big of an issue. I highly recommend this game to all story driven game fans whether you played all the Life is Strange games or never played one before, you can just simply dive in and I hope your experience will be as magical as mine.

2 lists liked by Jessimattayis