14 Reviews liked by JimKashel

This game is an insane!!
I have been playing for +138 hours and seeing so much content, the dynamics, the exploration, the crafting, the species... encourages you to continue exploring and improving your base, equipment and get more palmons!!

This game has positioned itself as one of the most played games on my steam (the first is rocket league)
Nothing like this has ever happened to me, that a survival game hooks me so much to the point of saying "well, now I'm going to go for this and then for that..." It's very well run (removing the bugs, but that makes funny things happen and you laugh more than get angry about it)
I was so hooked and waiting for new content
Excellent game to play both: alone and with people (I recommend better with people)
Seriously, give it a chance, it has a lot of potential because I don't usually like survival games but I recommend this one because you always have something to do and it is very pleasant to play it with company!

Jack of all trades, master of none.

I've been playing this non-stop for almost 3 weeks, through sessions of up to 13 hours straight, and couldn't stop until I 100%'d it. It's in fact my third game on Steam with all achievements unlocked.

I can't recommend it more to play with friends in a dedicated server, that's where it really shines.

Quick review:

Frénetico e com uma OST de invejar, Doom Eternal é a sequela que se esperava para o jogo de 2016.

Novas mecânicas e monstros ainda mais feios e demoníacos estão para vos atormentar nesta aventura.

Mais que recomendado.

I remember liking this one more than the actual AC back in the day. Not bad for a tie-in Java game.

First FPS attempt by Insomniac as a launch game for a console that was notoriously hard to work with and... It has aged much better than I thought!

Played it on Difficult. The game is about 90% smooth, but about 10% is tampered by some difficulty spikes that needed some ironing out or maybe a bit of checkpoint fine tuning. The game early on also has a bit of a newbie developer syndrome, where you can tell Insomniac was really set on nailing down the FPS fundamentals, so it takes a bit to get going. Most people do think about the first Resistance as this Halo-wannabe, and while it is at times, it's equal parts trying to take in elements from other FPS schools of design: it has the lonely solitude of some of the early Medal of Honor games, it has some of the setpieces of early Call of Duty, but it's also very Bloodish when it comes to close quarters encounters. It's good stuff, and to tie it all there's this constant theme of resistance and survival. It's a very dreary looking game that complements the style of gameplay, and the silent protagonist cliché is used very well to deliver this lonesome journey of a man that's doomed to become a chimera.

The core gameplay is intense in a good way; the shifts between level structures makes the game flow in variety; the weapons are pretty fun to use; the chimera AI is simple enough so it doesn't overpower you, but it still knows when to cover or run towards you to prevent situations from becoming static; the recurring minibosses are a menace and some chimera types can give you a good scare... it's consistently engaging and I had a lot of fun, even with some rough spots.

I always had the impression that the fandom was exaggerating the sex appeal of Midna but I couldn't have been more wrong: this is full on monsterfucker femdom from her very first scene.

I don't even know why the game insists on bringing Link back to his human form, I just want to be Midna's verbally abused pet.

Juegazo, buena comedia, buena musiquilla al final, buena jugabilidad. Me encantan las físicas de este juego. Al final se me ha hecho un poco largo, pero lo he terminado de una sentada así que nada que objetar. Prefiero el uno, pero los dos son maravillosos

Fue un regalo de mi hermana y menos mal que he esperado para jugarlo, porque me habría pasado igual que con Ocarina of Time, lo habría empezado y lo habría dejado por frustración. Pero al final... me parece un buen juego, y muy bonito.

No me ha dado miedo (lo juro), pero sí me ha dado mucho mal rollo. Me ha agobiado como pocos juegos han podido y me ha repugnado en algunos puntos.
Es un juego muy disfrutable, y no es especialmente complicado ni largo, así que jugadlo leñe.

Little small gem, but still has its flaws. Dynamic, relaxed combat mixes with a small cult light management to have a few fun hours while you try not to get in love with the lamb. (Spoiler: you can't)

My old GH3 Wii guitar goes BRRRRRRR epic solo

Can't be objective about this one, it's one of my most comfort games ever and I try to play it every year around christmas dates. Dunno why, it feels fitting with the overall mood.

I love it not just for its charm but also for being unique and original in what it proposes. In a time where every racing game wanted to appeal to an adult public with super cars in a more realistic setting (without the means to do so), Tamsoft sets the player in a fantasy, open world but without either getting unbelievable by any means. It gets a bit "mario karty" in circuit designs as it goes on, but that doesn't make it lose its ground of being based on irl (toy) cars.

Super Metroid but in 3D. Apart from those 12 stupid artifacts in the endgame, one of the best metroidvanias ever. What else could I say?