Really into how it looks and sounds, but the writing has aged badly (amirite) and it's just dead tedious.

Got to a boss battle which felt like an achingly slow and poorly-calibrated rhythm game, after a few false starts I got the hang of it only to be hit with an instakill move right at the end. If you're going to make me replay a fight, at least design it to be fun FFS.

Oh and it told me to "keep calm and carry on" AND I'm pretty sure there was a bear doing a Ricky Gervais impression. Bin.

Like someone played OG Doom a bunch as a kid, but instead of becoming uber popular it just vanished into obscurity, and they had to recreate it from hazy memory. They did pretty good! It's creepy and baffling and mean and fast.

WTF was up with that end credits music

The menu music is better than anything in Tetris Effect, plus there's a Kirby theme

Just didn't click at all, clunky and irritating. I've got a headache, maybe that didn't help.

Tedious card deck tabletop wargame with a clipart PoP skin

Accidentally started an AI v AI game, couldn't really tell what was happening

Looks good, sounds bad, doesn't feel like racing and doesn't scratch the Outrun itch. Also there's a Mario Kart style turbo start but using it throws you straight into the back of another car and slows you to a crawl. Daft.

I bought this for £15 from a bargain bin just for the bundled Wii Speak because I wanted to play Monster Hunter Tri online, I had no real idea what Animal Crossing even was.

Used diplomacy to avoid battle against two ships, and was rewarded with a battle against three ships. Not much fun!

More of the same, but harder. I played through this a few times, and it's great, but I'd often get frustrated and go back to the first.

Killed a guy then got shot by another guy, over and over and over, no indication what I was doing wrong or what I should be doing, no real feedback at all, me and this are simply incompatible.