Feels like it's fighting to maintain its vibes in the face of sporadic shonk. Also there's something weirdly grating about the music.

I am an insect, and I act on instinct. Magnificently alien.

This one has been on my backlog for years, I just kept putting it off for a bunch of reasons: I've been disappointed by "classics" before, I'm rubbish at all the earlier entries, the only one I really loved is the odd-one-out Simon's Quest, and of the later ones I've only played Order of Ecclesia, in which I got stuck and bored. I've long been prepared to have a bad time, but with Halloween just around the corner I figured I'd given it a chance.

Turns out it's fuckin incredible. The music, the masterful use of 3D effects to enhance the 2D world, the rigid yet finely-tuned combat, the stumbled-upon secrets that would have made you wildly popular on the playground, the daft accessories...cool glasses, rainbow cape, platform shoes and nunchucks, Alucard's got it all.

If I'd played this back then, I just know I'd have gone through it over and over until it became a comfort game, much like Super Metroid or Ocarina. If they ever put it on Switch so I don't have to sit down in front of the TV and operate the goddamn PS4 then maybe I'll get there someday.

Was expecting Team Hoshido to change the game up a bit, but they're basically a cosmetic skin. I already played dozens of hours of Awakening, I don't fancy doing it all again.

Monster Hunter giveth, and Monster Hunter taketh away. There's stuff gone from 4U that I miss, but the Adept and Aerial styles are a riot. Plus there's a bunch of tiny QoL improvements. AND you can be a cat.

Some of the nostalgia elements are lost on me, but it feels like a lovely celebration of everything Monster Hunter up to this point.

Dragons and tigers and bares, oh my

God, grant me strength!

I'm upsettingly rubbish at Castlevania. The rigidity just doesn't feel right to me, I feel like every move I make is immediately countered while I'm stuck in my current animation, as if I've fundamentally misunderstood the flow of play. I sort of coped with this on the NES games (though I seriously abused save states at times), but a 16-bit dude should have more moves. Please?

Looks and sounds great though, I really hope I get to see it all someday.

Lovely stuff, but man I wish this had been on DS

I've been itching for something like this since the summer I spent playing nothing but TIE Fighter, and yet again I am a fool for thinking I could ever get back there.

There's stuff I like, but overall it's slow and dull and what the hell is going on with the HUD? Really ugly videogamey information overload. Of course I soon turned all that off and played using the ship's instruments only, which sounded right up my street, but then I got shouted at for not refilling my missiles because I had zero indication where to do that. If someone can point me to an optimal compromise setup then I might stop my grumbling, but as of now I'm still grumbling.

In the first mission I was chasing someone but they got away and the mission just ended and dumped me to a menu. I tried again and pretty much caught them but then there was a cutscene where they got away anyway, and that counted as mission complete. Dumb crap.

I'm sorry to complain about the star war I'm just very disappointed :/

This one is something else. You won't find madness quite like this anywhere but here. Commit the time and focus and you might just fall in love. And the tunes! Maybe the first time I splashed out on an official soundtrack.

And artbook.

And actual copy of the game after playing a bunch of it badboy style.

My first computergame. Hold space to make tiny James Bond run right, shoot everything that moves using a lightgun shaped absolutely nothing like a Walther PPK. Felt like I'd stepped into the future.

Game itself was broken, there was a stage where you just stopped moving and couldn't progress, but I played it over and over until the spring on the trigger started to give up. Must've been fun.

Finally went back and finished this. It's fine! On one hand, it's spectacular. On the other hand, there's nothing here I haven't seen before. On another hand, I once again never needed to git gud because there's so many ways to tune the game to suit any situation. On yet another hand, I didn't find any of the combat, especially bosses, fun. On a fifth hand, there's nothing quite like the experience of playing these games. And on just one more hand, giant axe.

I'll play Shadow when it's £3.


Picked this up super cheap and was pleasantly surprised. I don't have time to get good at it, but the brief rounds of frantic ultra-violence ending in my horrible death are a good laugh.


I've always wanted a hoverbike. I wrote a song about it at one point. Unfortunately, this hoverbike is like driving a nightmare.

This covers it well, I think https://www.backloggd.com/u/letshugbro/review/224265/