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11 days ago

Zactical earned the Replay '14 badge

11 days ago

UmbraAeternus completed Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
this was... not great. i didnt vibe with the story, it felt like an expansion that got made a single game adding some filler. didnt really enjoy the direction they took this but aside from that, i guess the gameplay was fine, but its on my bottom 2 of the franchise

11 days ago

UmbraAeternus reviewed Elden Ring
this game is so big it made me drop it for two years but im so glad i came back to see the second half of it. great environment, setting, lore, fights, everything is incredible. absolutely the game of the year on 2022 and probably one thats gonna be top 5 games of the decade

11 days ago

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