what do you MEAN Breath of the Wild was actually an Early Access game the whole time????

What I got from this is that Suda51 is just Hideo Kojima on weed and DMT

both also have a love for films and I appreciate that 100% with how it reflects in their games

This is my first Prime game in the series and I won't lie, while I definitely have a stronger preference for the 2D games and its backtracking, the game is still good and encapsulates Metroid in a 3D space pretty well, I fully get the appeal for those who prefer Prime more. :)

however getting chozo artifacts and the final boss was a bit lame though sorry guys

what if you

were on the verge of making the best 3D Sonic game to date

but SEGA said

"Y'all heard about God of War?"

(also Eggmanland is one of the worst final levels of all time why the FUCK they do that?)

This is definitely a surprisingly overrated Sonic game because it’s incredible how what otherwise would be a decent handheld experience gets bogged down by baffling level design choices and boss fights that go on too long who are at best tedious and borderline artificial bullshit at worst. Least Hideki Naganuma‘s music enhances the experience.

Also Egg King is one of the worst and most BS bosses of all time and should be textbook definition asto how to not do a hard boss.

Have you ever seen someone puppeteering a corpse of a famous person pretending to be them?

Yeah that's basically this game

This is like the one time I picked up a game, got through the intro, and got to the main gameplay then almost immediately went "nope" and closed the game

I remember when I was younger when this came out that everyone was praising this game up and down like crazy so I was kinda surprised when people started looking back on Colors in a more negative light in the last few years, but then I remember what came before and a turkey sandwich with no toppings is gonna look really good if you’ve been eating trash and sludge for a while.

This is Sonic’s turkey sandwich.

Inoffensive, nothing too crazy, nothing too remarkable either. The lows aren’t insanely low to stuff like in Sonic '06 and Secret Rings, but the highs never get that high either to something like Unleashed’s daytime levels (especially when most of the Act 1’s feels like a watered down version of them). The only really jarring thing about it is the Act structure where it feels like zones were splice up and ends up taking less than a minute to finish a lot of them. It’s just a decent, Saturday morning cartoon in space adventure with mostly good 3D levels and decent to very mediocre 2D, and at this point, it’s probably what Sonic Team and the franchise needed.

The tad bit grindy nature does pad the game out a small amount to where it starts to overstay its welcome and some of the bosses are a bit /too/ easy at times but otherwise this is a big improvement over Rush in almost every aspect and I'm surprised at how overlooked this game is within the franchise.

Sonic Team is so ahead of the curve that they ended up putting the TRUE version of Colors on DS instead of the Wii and outshines it by basically making Rush 3

Truly incredible innovators of the industry

This game is like back-to-back peak zones then boom Planet Wisp jumpscare

(no seriously this is the best recent Sonic game I've played by far and its dreadful knowing its mostly downhill from here)

I beat this last year so I forgot to do a review on it then but I just wanted to say that I feel like this game doesn't get enough of its flowers in the grand scheme of things, just nothing but memorable charm and delightful fun from start to finish, still so much about the game I remember now long after playing it

Don't go talking about TTYD then forgetting what came before it.

It's definitely one of those "just because you can doesn't mean you should" type of remakes

This is definitely a test drive to something greater for the next 3D Mario game so whatever it is, it’s likely gonna go hard

It's one of the most human stories I've ever experienced of human will and determination from a game with some of the best performances of the medium that will give you goosebumps with some of the most gorgeous visuals and cinematography that might as well be on pair with a movie with the most beautiful score by the incredible Masayoshi Soken who's contributed to the beautiful sounds of Final Fantasy XIV with the some of the most unhuman ass combat and boss fights that are some of the craziest in scope to where I was almost convinced that Yoshi-P and team created the world's first quadruple-A game

so why the hell did they do Jill like that??