This was the last time Guitar Hero wasn't obsoleted by Rock Band. This game has so much charm.

I get out of bed to play this game if my friends are on, even if I've already decided to call it a day. Too much fun to pass up.

Game's too important to deserve anything other than 5 stars.

Didn't find it very fun at all. Game has kirby forgotten land's progression system for some reason and it doesn't translate well to 2D. Gameplay itself is fine, it's 2D mario, but I'd rather play one with linear progression.

There is NO WAY this is above a 3.0. Has anyone here even played this? It's horrible.

You have to collect KONG letters to save???? What an awful decision. Hope you like walking all the way back to world 1 to reliably save.

This game sucks for so many reasons but I sure did play it for 24 hrs straight once

I seriously loved this remake, the greatest story ever told now accompanied with good gameplay. I can't get over the new soundtrack though. I know they couldn't reuse the crunchy PS2 OST but it just doesn't do it for me.

This game doesn't need a map, it needs better fucking mechanics, jesus christ.

The Worst thing ever made but it gets an extra half star for how surreal it is.

Worse version of dark souls 2, save yourself time and money and play vanilla.

I can't think of this as a normal video game it's the speedrun game and nothing else