Dull and tedious, I will never understand this franchise.

Cute game, some frustrating puzzles.

Favorite NES game, with infinite continues!

Cute game, but extremely basic

Adding the 3rd semester was nice but man this game has like, so many mechanics. They went a little overboard.

I vividly remember hating this game so much as a kid that I aggressively threw the cartridge across the room.

Pretty whatever as a normal game but incredible as a speedgame.


This game carried me through high school.

No Rhythm Game experience will ever come close to playing ITG customs in the late 2000s. What an era.

I have been banned from this game's chatrooms so many times I'm amazed I'm still allowed in.

The multiplayer is SO GOOD. How on earth did I ever put up with WoL?

Finally, a racing game for people with no friends!

This game has moai statues so I must give it 5 stars.

I really don't care about the slow gameplay when the visuals and soundtrack are THIS good.