1166 Reviews liked by JohnPips

Quién es Kat?
para el ciego, es la luz.
para el hambriento, es el pan.
para el enfermo, es la cura.
para el solitario, es el compañero.
para el triste, es la alegría.
para el prisionero, es la libertad.
para el pobre, es el tesoro.
para el deudor, es el perdón.
para el mundo, es esencial.
Si Kat opina, le doy la razón.
Si Kat habla, la escucho.
Si Kat falla, la apoyo.
Si el mundo odia a Kat, soy yo contra el mundo.
Si Kat tiene un esposo, soy yo.
Si Kat no tiene un pretendiente, es que yo ya he muerto.
Respeta a Kat, no la compares con nadie

I was enjoying this compilation up until level 6, then they started to get a bit... Silly, it's not as hard as some people say, but it does have very cryptic and confusing level designs for my liking, even by Doom II standards.

I stopped playing because I was simply not having fun. I have no plans to come back to these either; I'd rather just play Doom II again.



Nobody does it like John Romero

One of my first PS1 games. It has the old feel but it was revolutionary back then.

You might want to play Touhou Luna Nights instead.

esse jogo é perfeito, mas eu ainda assim prefiro o primerio.

Hotline Miami + Super Chicken Jumper + Labirintite = Post Void

If Shadow of Mordor was a demo, this would be the full game. It takes all of the mechanics and playstyle of the first and expands on it in a fantastic way. The army you need to conquer is bigger, the threat is larger but your arsenal and personal army grows to the challenge. It's a fantastic ride, and the entire cast is really solid!

Only gripe is that the game does glitch quite a bit. I'll be fighting a Captain and they'll leave the screen and then pop up again, with their cutscene and everything, and restart the battle. It's annoying, but not a dealbreaker for me.

I would reccomend playing Shadow of Mordor first just to get a feel for the gameplay, but this was a really fun game!!



why do you kill demons in this game, why not make friends and team up :)

This review contains spoilers

After playing the first game, this game does a great job at showing Chloe's adventure to where she is in the original Life Is Strange. The story is beautiful and show slove blossom between two teenage girls with wildly different backgrounds.

The game is basic in functionality and has no QTEs. Just basic move and interact based on the prompts. I truly think this game should be played before Life Is Strange

I love this installment of Life is Strange as much as, if not even slightly more than, the original game. It truly shows that Chloe was the star of this particular tale even when you were controlling Max in the first game. I don't think a playthrough of Life is Strange is complete without also doing Before the Storm.

I'm decidedly not edgy enough to enjoy this game

O primeiro Metroid é cru, praguejado pelas limitações técnicas, mas dá pra ver um valor real de design ali arriscado em sua época. O problema é que, baseado em um sistema arcaico de password para “salvar o jogo”, Metroid depende do jogador anotar uma longa sequência de caracteres para ir criando “checkpoints” do seu progresso.

Mas esse não é o único revés. Um gameplay duro, carrasco e implacável faz com que esse jogo seja brutalmente difícil. Padrões de movimento rápidos ou em ângulos difícil de acertar o tempo pra acertar os ataques, além de danos altos vindos dos inimigos tornam o jogo bem íngreme em matéria de curva de aprendizado.

Soma a dificuldade com a burocracia dos passwords e temos uma experiência bem punitiva e desestimulante de meter as caras pra avançar. Eu confesso que mesmo com save state eu não consegui me sentir atraído o suficiente pra dar continuidade.

Acho que serei mais feliz com o remake, Zero Mission.

First game i beat in my life at 24 years old i an gamer now....