1109 Reviews liked by JohnPips

Incredible game and story. The scope was a bit too large at times to tell nearly as impactful as story as the last game (would've preferred this story to be told over a trilogy), but it was still an absolute blast.


dlc diyen mahlukların kıcına kafam girsin tşk

Pod każdym względem lepszy od gow 2018

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I personally like this game, it improves on most of the things in 2018 and in the end delivers great in the story. It serves mostly as to wrap up the Norse god conflict in a big showdown way, while giving closure to Kratos's character and setting up Atreus to (possibly) be the future face of the franchise. Overall it's a great game but sometimes the game feels bloated with unnecessary content, while the content in 2018 always felt connected to Kratos and Atreus's journey.

Closest a game has brought me to tears.

better story and better gameplay.

Provavelmente o hype criado em cima da história desse jogo por causa do tão esperado ragnarok tenha sido um dos motivos pelo qual eu achei esse inferior ao God of War (2018).
A história progride de forma muito lenta, de uma maneira que é difícil você ter vontade de rejogar o jogo novamente, ainda mais depois de ver a conclusão da história que por si só, é bem decepcionante...

Fora isso o jogo acerta na gameplay aprimorada comparada ao anterior, novas mecânicas de gameplay, novos cenários pra explorar e novas histórias para se ouvir.

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The devs of gow have made a phenomenal ending to this series. Kratos from going to a human killing machine feeling no remorse has evolved into a saviour for the people. Note : the ending made me bawl

i cried like three times during this i wish my dad was kratos - this game does what the 2018 did but so much better - there’s an argument about what sequels should be like and I think this is a great standard defining sequel, it builds off what made the previous one great — I wanted and did everything in this game minus collect whatever - there’s so much love in this and I wonder where it’ll go

If God of War(2018) intrigued me in Norse mythology, this game solidified it- although the pacing isn't as good as the previous game, with character developments that seemed a bit rushed, I still found myself really enjoying myself while playing this

One of the very best games I've ever played. GoW (2018) was amazing but I think that nearly everything is superior in Ragnarok. The gameplay is even better and the combat in this game is perfect. It's really challenging at times but it's also rewarding. There are so many options, skills and builds that I was still enjoying it on my last session with this game.

The story is so powerful and epic. It's definitely not consistent but I don't think it should be. With level designs like that it's impossible to focus only on plot but every time I came back to the main missions they pulled me back in. There are so many mind-blowing moments and visuals that I just can't find the right words to describe it all but it's really one of the best looking games of all time.

I finished the game doing full 100% and I don't regret a single minute from over 70 hours. Amazing stuff overall and pretty much perfect AAA game.

This game was fun when I played it, but I feel like it left zero impact on me. Like, now that it's been a while since I played it, I forget it even exists. It was fun, I guess, but it just isn't memorable. I didn't do every side quest and whatnot because I didn't enjoy the game enough to seek out more content.

Same as its predecessor, but the story is worse in my personal opinion. Still phenomenal, however.