Definetely not a perfect game... For most people, 'cause for me it is.
It does everything right, it's just so fun to roam around and interact with such a beautiful world, and so many remarkable and adorable characters. The story is now much more solid and less episodic (👌), and boss fights are much funner than before, especially when using the new gravity styles.
Definetely worth the platinum, my reverse gatekeeping is that everyone should play this

Remember that corridor before the Death boss fight in Castlevania 1, usually regarded as the hardest segment in the game? Yeah you do, enemies all around, hard to telegraph their movement, you had to be resourceful, every step was important, literally no room for mistakes or improvisation; it was challenging in the first game, but it felt good to beat it once you learned how it worked, at least it was just one room, right?
Now imagine that corridor, but it is now an entire game, this is Castlevania III. Yeah, technically speaking it is better than its predecessors, I mean, wow, 4 playable characters, that's awesome, and soundtrack fucking slaps! But that's where it ends, at least for me, this game isn't nowhere near as fun as Casltevania 1, I swear I tried, but it's just frustrating, facing the same reused bosses, falling in the same stairs, taking damage from the same fucking bats, even with save states this shit is annoying.
It just wasn't fun.

It's like when you run out of internet, and start browsing through your gallery, i loved it, Lain is so cool, we should all love her

This is exactly what you would expect from a Castlevania on the Sega Genesis; it's edgy, hard, weird, stylish, unique, all in the best way possible.
Following my journey through the classicvanias, Bloodlines is surely a welcome entry, I played the first half with John Morris, and the second half with Eric Lecarde, and the second one is definetely my favorite, being able to simply attack upwards is a comfort I haven't had since Super Castlevania IV.
Overall the game is super fun, levels are great to go through and always keeping you entertained with a new gimmick, never making it unfair; bosses are mostly fun (some don't even look like Castlevania monsters lol), and I can't quite remember if there any other linear games on the franchise with sub-bosses, which is weird, beacuse they're really cool

This is hard, really hard, even with save states. Probably one of the best NES games out there, and definetely one of the few that aren't outdated, especially because it is super simplistic, and in the best way possible.

I actually had no idea this game was so long, I tought it only had like 4 worlds, now I understand why this was so revolutionary back in the day. Can't deny I had a good time with it, beat it in around 1 and a half hour, using save states, because this must have been a burden to finish in 1985


I have a curious case with the Doom series, I started with Eternal and 2016, and had an amazing time with them, I didn't however like my experience with the OG dooms (64 and II), so I came back to Doom 3, which I also enjoyed a lot.
It's funny that I left the first Doom as the last game to play (even after playing Sigil and Final Doom), and now that I'm basically done with the main series, I can experience the game that started it all.
Altough I prefered Doom 1 over 2 and 64, I still think it carries many of their flaws, which is only natural, considering these games basically invented the FPS genre. I am definetely not a fan of the maps layout, and in any of these games I liked the "find key and backtrack" level design, which is my main complain; no doubt why I enjoyed Romero's levels the best ones.
But even so, the game is fun, you can't really go wrong with slaying demons in the most gruesome ways possible, but I don't really see myself coming back to it any time soon.

Extremely good. The kind of game that needs to be competent both in its gameplay, and its story, and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, exceeds in both aspects. Gameplay is super fun, removing everything that was unecessary (and boring) in the first game, and keeping just the simple mechanics, making it such a joy to blast your enemies as you listen to the hardest bass known to man; I've heard some complaints regarding the duel mechanic, but I had no problem with it, it was pretty imersive actually, I was on the edge of my seat whenever it happened; concentration mode could be better though.
Now, where this game shines is in its story, I'm not spoiling anything, but let me tell you it's damn good; at first I thought the two protagonists had the same personality (a tough cowboy hardened by the war), but they start to constrast as soon as the story unfolds, but Ray is definetely the protagonist here, and unlike most video games (especially FPSs [especially from the 7th generation]), it does have an actual plot, you don't just run from point A to point B.

Perfeito, per-fei-to.
Superando seu antecessor Castlevnia IV, Rondo of Blood entrega o que é talvez a melhor experiência que se pode ter com um classicvania, os níveis fluem que é uma beleza, nenhum desafio é injusto, todos os bosses são interessantes e possuem mecânicas bem implementadas, cutscenes animadas extremamente carismáticas, jogar de Maria Renard é uma delícia (acho até melhor que o Richter); e além de tudo isso, o jogo possui múltiplos caminhos, os quais com certeza irei experimentar depois.
Infelizmente joguei a versão do Requiem de PS4, que é uma bosta e sem nenhuma vantagem de emulação, mas de forma alguma desmerece essa pérola.

Marking as completed, but all I did was beat all default levels, I know there are over 300 levels more, but I don't see myself buying the full DLC anytime soon (I'd like to, tho).
But yeah, this game is amazing, my first experience with a rythm game, and I was absolutely addicted to it during these 6 hours it took me to beat it. Just pure fun

Almost interesting. Soul of Darkness is maybe one of the best games ever made for java phones, which doesn't exactly mean it's a great game, but it surely is technically impressive, from astonishing visuals, to interesting mechanics (but with mediocre combat) such as transforming into monsters, and using elemental magics.
I'd say the only aspect that is straight out bad, is sound design (or noise design, if you prefer), which I'd say it's probably a problem with the platform itself, because I'm sure that if Gameloft could, they'd definetely make something better, just like every other aspect of the game.
For some reason people compare this to Castlevania, which I don't really know why since it's just a linear beat'em up with vampires, and you don't even use a whip. Oh, and unlike Castlevania, this game has an actual insteresting plot.

There's really no good reason to play the OGs Bomberman games, unless you're a diehard fan, since the Super series is infinitely more interesting.
It's not bad, but it's not fun, it doesn't hold up very well, especially because of the lack of bosses

Expect nothing but the least a video game can be. Castlevania The Adventure is the first entry of the franchise on the gameboy, and this is where I finish this trilogy (I had first beaten Belmont's Revenge, and didn't have the balls to endure Legends until the end).
It really is Castlevania reduced to its smallest possible form; no sub-items (but hey, hearts regenerate health now), Cristopher is slower than a slug, and movement is clunkier than I ever thought it could be. Is it terribly bad? No, but it's terribly boring, but I'd argue that's expected from an early gameboy title, at least it's very short.
But OH MY GOD that level with the moving spikes is one of the worst things I've ever had to experience on a video game.

Finally got to finish a pokémon game, and it's just as cool as people say, except that it is really slow (especially when in caves, and while surfing, when I had to speed up the emulator), I just found it boring that you can just rush the entire game with your starter (Feraligatr supremacy). I know now that there's the entire kanto region to explore after becoming champion... Yeah, maybe next time


Coming from someone who played Doom Eternal first, I always found it weird that there were people who prefered Doom 2016 over Eternal, since, in my head, it was an objective improvement from the first game, but now that I played 2016, I can say it is JUST as good as Eternal.
Something that I never see as so important in games is ambience and soundtrack, but MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, Doom has probably the best rock/metal themes in any video game; and the scenarios were some of the most well developed levels I've ever seen, aesthetically speaking at least, never before I spent so much time just appreaciating the views and details the game had to offer.