Fun platformer, if a bit short. The concept is neat, and traversal is fun. What little story it had was intriguing. However, the levels are so open-ended that it's easy to skip the small "challenges" you're intended to do.

A neat game! Some solid character writing, and the mix of deductive + action gameplay is really solid. The OC main character is a dork and I love them for it.

So I played a few hours of Speedstorm. Honestly, it's a stat-based, grindathon live-service game first, and racing game second.

First, the positives: the music is great, the remixes of classic Disney songs for the racetracks are incredible. The tracks definitely evoke the movies they are based on. The one-liners the characters spout at the beginning of each race can be funny. The sense of speed is exhilarating (if you are winning). Characters having their own special abilities is a neat idea.

Negatives: Of course, there's the obligatory live service and microtransactions stuff. The other thing, having played Gameloft's previous racing title, Asphalt 9, a lot of the concepts and menu design are lifted from that game - including the whole having to upgrade and grind out "characters" thing. Of course, grinding can be a slog if you aren't paying.

What about the racing itself? Well, the gameplay favors being at the front of the pack. If you fall behind - tough luck, you'll be lucky to get back past 4th place. There's barely any catchup mechanics, and what little do exist are mediocre. There's the whole 'slipstream' thing, but you gain boost fuel instead of speed. Plus, if you fall behind, there's a chance you'll get an item that teleports you to the middle of the pack.

Multiplayer is fine, pay-to-win players will obviously excel. But there's also been quite a few bugs. I've been dropped into a multiplayer race way after everyone else started, started a multiplayer race with one less second to get the starting boost, and I was once winning a multiplayer race only to for some reason get teleported to 7th place. This might be occurring just for me, but if you're playing multiplayer, be careful out there. The best thing about multiplayer was seeing all the icons for the different ways people were accessing this game, which is kinda cool.

So, I managed to finish this game it was really good. I got into it after a YouTuber I follow played the demo of its sequel, and then I played that demo, and then the demo of this game. I bought this game yesterday (as of this review) but I managed to finish it today.
It's essentially a sort-of story-focused puzzle/detective game where you collect clues by snooping around people's Internet profiles. The gameplay was fun, the occasional gameplay shifts were fun too. Though some of the puzzles are rather difficult to solve without a guide.
It's sort of styled like Ace Attorney where there are 5 "cases" you have to solve. They are all quite interesting. The characters that appear in multiple stories are the most memorable imo, though a character from the last chapter is especially memorable.
I'll get the DLC some other time. In the meantime, I'll achievement hunt when I can.
The translation can be somewhat iffy, and it's very noticeable when a voice actor veers away from the script, but it doesn't harm the gameplay experience at all.

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Gnosia is a pretty great visual novel. The story is pretty great, and the gameplay is fun if a bit repetitive. While it can be frustrating trying to get the remaining events, they were fun to read, and getting the main ending and secret ending are well worth it.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a short but fun experience, and it makes a good impression for Kirby's first official foray into 3D. While easy at first, later on the game becomes very challenging, especially once the main story is done. I can't wait to see what else Kirby and HAL do in 3D!!!

It's a good game! Not perfect, but pretty good.

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It's a difficulty spike compared to the main game, but it does a decent job of fleshing out the Champions. The boss battle at the end was pretty cool, and the Divine Beast you get is pretty neat! However, I hate the one-hit trials with a passion.

A fun "prequel" to Breath of the Wild. The gameplay is solid, and the story is alright. However, the game can be grindy, especially when it comes to the side content. By the last few chapters I basically gave up on doing the side content.

The DS version is a fun, if simple, platformer. While I admit that my experience was "incomplete" due to lacking a DSi, I didn't need those extra features to have fun with the game. Only takes a couple hours to beat, and maybe a couple extra to get everything. The story is basic, but serviceable. If you somehow get your hands on the DS version, it's a decent game to play!

A fun roguelite, but gets repetitive after a couple runs.

SteamWorld Heist is a short but pretty fun game. The story is alright, but the game itself is amazing despite its short runtime. The aiming is fun, if a little frustrating thanks to the characters' wavering aim. The difficulty was decently challenging (for the record I played mostly on "Experienced" difficulty).
This being the "Ultimate Edition", the game includes a DLC character and their associated interactions... and that's it. I wish they did more with the character's story, but I enjoyed their gimmick, and took them all the way to the final boss.
Also there's a bunch of fun references in the collectable hats, that's always fun.
This is my first SteamWorld game, but I solidly enjoyed it, and can recommend this game as a great first step into the SteamWorld franchise!