I leave reviews purely for my future self to look back on. If you like my reviews and follow me I'll probably follow back.

⬇ How I rate games ⬇

★★★★★ - Personal Slot: game can be mediocre but still a five star in my eyes—These games I will remember forever.

★★★★✰ - Great game, loved many aspects of it but didn't change or deeply affect me.

★★★✰✰ - Mediocre, parts that I liked but overall the game was alright.

★★✰✰✰ - Not completely awful

★✰✰✰✰ - It had maybe one thing I liked

✰✰✰✰✰ - Y'know
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Jet Set Radio fans rejoice, for there's a new king on the throne.

This game is AMAZING! It is truly a love letter to JSR, while adding new and interesting ideas to make the game it's own thing. The movement is fluid and fun, and it's easy to feel cool. New Amsterdam is a funky city, with all sorts of crazy designs for you to skate, roller blade, or BMX on.

The character design is immaculate, each character brings their own look and personality into it, and you'll quickly attach yourself to at least one.

The storytelling actually caught me by surprise! It has a very interesting story with twists that keep you wondering what will happen next. The dialogue is pretty funny as well.

I do however have some issues with the game which is why my review isn't 5/5. The police are very frustrating, it's very easy to attract heat and when they're chasing you it's like they're up your ass until you find a bathroom to change clothes. Which brings me to my other gripe, changing characters and clothes while cool in concept, is annoying. The version of the game I played on did not have markers showing bathrooms, which I feel like would make the system a lot better. I don't know if they changed this in a recent update but, playing it day one this was how it was.

And that's it, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is one of the best indie games I've played since Neon White, and I will be 100%ing this. I strongly recommend picking this game up.

Deadly Premonition is a video game that is undoubtedly worthy of the label 'cult classic.' From its bizarre animations to its terrible sound design and voice directing, this game is full of jank and cons that would typically make a game unplayable. However, despite its numerous shortcomings, there is something special about Deadly Premonition that kept me coming back for more.

One of the most compelling aspects of Deadly Premonition I found is the main character, York. He has a unique personality with strange quirks that make him fun and charming. I couldn't help but be drawn to his odd quirks and mannerisms. It's a testament to the game's storytelling that it can create a character that I couldn't help but root for, even in a game with such terrible design flaws.

But it's not just York that makes Deadly Premonition an enjoyable experience. The game's setting, a small town in the Pacific Northeast, is also fascinating. The game's developers have created an eerie atmosphere that feels both familiar and unsettling. The game's story is also engaging, with plenty of twists and turns that kept me interested.

Despite all of these positives, Deadly Premonition is not a good game by any traditional measure. The sound design is terrible, the voice directing is cringe-worthy, and the animations are awkward and stilted. The uncanny nature of the game adds to the experience, but it can also be frustrating at times. Such as the combat the game introduces right out of the gate. Combat features both melee and ranged, with melee weapons having durability. Like the rest of the game, it's very jank and frustrating. Towards the end of the game I felt the need to skip pass all the enemies during the combat sections.

The other half of the game has you exploring the town. You can fish, play darts, do side quests (I didn't do the side quests), all things that I think if the devs fleshed out more, could've been good enough for gameplay without needing the combat parts.

Deadly Premonition is a cult classic for a reason. It's a game that is so bad it's kinda good, with it's fascinating story and charming main character that kept me invested. If you're looking for a game with good gameplay and design, then this isn't the game for you. But if you're looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, then Deadly Premonition is definitely worth checking out.

The Dead Space Remake is an impressive piece of work that is sure to delight both old and new fans of the series. As someone who played the original game, I was excited to revisit the USG Ishimura and see how the remake would update this classic title.

I was relived to see how faithful the game remained to the original while still adding new and refreshing ideas that were executed very well. Nowadays when developers remake games, they either make it a one-to-one recreation of the original, not adding new ideas or changing previous problems. Or they butcher it by changing too much, removing what made the game a classic. The core gameplay loop is still enjoyable, and going back to previous explored areas to find upgrades is satisfying. The environment in the Dead Space Remake is very well done, and the atmosphere is very creepy. The developers have done an excellent job of creating a dark, foreboding world that is filled with suspense. The updated graphics and sound design enhance the experience and make the game feel more immersive than before.

And the combat is very smooth, while still giving it that weighty feel with the dismember and stomp mechanics. I was impressed with how well the game balanced horror and action, making every encounter tense as all hell breaks loose. Armed with only a plasma cutter, lights flickering, and monsters screaming towards you, makes for such a thrill.

Overall, the Dead Space Remake is an excellent update to a classic horror game that remains faithful to the original while adding new ideas. The gameplay loop is enjoyable, the environment is well done, and the combat is smooth and weighty. I cannot recommend this game enough.

Also, plasma cutter only you pussy.