My introduction to The Show! Great soundtrack and fun game modes. This one still holds up in 2023.

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One of the best DBZ games ever. Probably my 2nd favorite honestly. Tenkaichi was a departure from this game series style of play and I wasn’t a fan of it. The definitive DBZ experience on PS2 era in my opinion. Has characters from Kid Goku to Omega Shenron!!

Terrible for a TellTale game. Love the movie but didn’t like the game. Even though I played the game for trophies I was expecting a little bit more after playing TT’s The Walking Dead.

Never beat this one but I’ve gotten damn close so I think I can give it MY proper rating. Vice City was my 1st played GTA but this one was soon after. This game was pivotal in revolutionizing sandbox games but it’s really not good even for its time. It’s clunky, the protagonist is silent for some reason, and the soundtrack doesn’t come close to VC or SA. I’ll beat it one day, don’t really want to. Haha

Meh. It was decent for a Gears game. I really don’t know what else to say. 😖 Gameplay is good, story and (the new) characters are forgettable. Maybe I’m just being stubborn but Kait and JD don’t do it for me.

This review/rating is based on WHEN I played it in the early 2000s This game has not aged well and one of the games that actually needs a remake. Playing as all the Sonic characters and seeing Chaos + hearing Open Your Heart really made me fall in love with the Sonic series even more. As I’ve said and most others would agree the gameplay/graphics are outdated but I would still say it’s worth playing to this day. Definition of a system seller. Up there with Mario and Halo. Adventure, Sonic 2 & 3 are my Top 3 Sonic games. Any given day one of them top my list.

The very 1st game I remember playing. 😂 The ultimate meme game. Could you imagine if this was on PS3/360? A lot of us would’ve played it for the trophies/achievements.

Still think it’s the most fun NBA game to play to this day. Back when defense mattered even in the video games. Peak All-Star Weekend mode on display here, too. Now who thinks they can stop Dirk + Podkolzin + Shawn Bradley?

This game has to be my favorite game that I never beat. And I’m not ranking it 5 stars out of pure nostalgia. I love this game! It was one of my 1st RPGs. I love the soundtrack, gameplay and all of the main characters. I don’t get why this game gets so much hate, but I love it. I will beat it one day! Hoping it’ll be on Nintendo Switch Online soon…

Haven’t played this one since the 90s but from what I do remember it was a decent platformer. Never finished it but I don’t think I missed out on much.

The worst game of all-time. Sorry to do this, folks but it’s the one video game I would burn over and over again. 👿 DO NOT play this one, even if you are a RE fan. You deserve better.

Writing this in 2023 and I’m not so sure a game has been as impressive as RDR2 since that game came out. I think there might be too much land in the game to horseback through and the story takes a while to pick up and a lot of filler. But if that’s the only things I think is wrong with the game, you might think it’s the best game ever. Simply put, another masterpiece from Rockstar.

Should be every gamer’s 1st game.