12 Reviews liked by KainesLunarTear

Can't say i've played this game enough to give it a star rating but there is a few reasons why I decided to drop it. Usually with murder mysteries you would expect a small cast with a linear sort of way of deciphering clues. Obra Dinn makes you work backwards, starting the game off with the ending and then eventually working your way towards the beginning it seems. That part isn't a big problem, but what is a problem is the way the game makes you decipher clues.

First of all, the cast is HUGE. There are 60 characters, and you have to determine the name of each one, how they died, and who killed them. It's not easy. In fact I would even go so far as to say it's quite tedious work.

The concept here is really cool though, going back in time to see the memories of what happened during that exact moment. The graphical style used in this game is fitting, yet at the same time makes things a little more difficult for the player. It's pretty hard to make out faces when everyone is pixelated and in black and white.

Anyway most of these criticisms might be baseless considering I've only spent an hour in this game. Think of this as just my first thoughts (probably also my final thoughts.) It just didn't seem appealing enough for me to continue any further than this.



Honestly the only reason I bothered checking this game out at all is because I heard it was similar to undertale, but UNLIKE undertale the combat system in OFF sucks donkey dick and the puzzles make me want to break my computer. The story might actually be good, but it's held back by these ridiculously awful game mechanics that just make the overall experience not fun. I'll probably just end up watching a playthrough or something because I cannot bring myself to play this game any longer.

A big step up from the first game, milk outside dives even deeper into our protagonist's character and thought process, with numerous different endings to wrap up the story. As we all know from milk inside, the girl's behavioral characteristics are quite different from the rest of society. Without spoiling anything too deep, we can see that our protagonist suffers from a mental illness, maybe more than one. Conversing with her throughout the game was actually more entertaining than I had expected. The way she thinks and talks is different, yet still understandable. I'm not one for the horror genre, but this game didn't place much of a focus on that at all.

The highlights of the game were definitely the 5 unique endings. I'll keep it real with you- I'm not gonna even pretend like I understood all the endings fully, but they were each still very interesting in their own right. I honestly didn't expect them to be as confusing as they were, since the game up to that point had been pretty straightforward in what it was trying to convey. Not only were they confusing, but they all cut very abruptly, leaving the rest up to the player's own interpretation. Just my opinion, but I would have probably preferred if the endings were explained better instead of being left in such an open-ended manner. The final scene of the game also feels a little unfinished, I mean there wasn't exactly any real closure for the protagonist. Indicating that there may possibly be a third game? (Might just be reaching)

TL;DR it's a short 1-2 hr psychological horror game that tackles themes of mental illness, so if that is appealing to you definitely check it out.

This was one of the coolest demos/trial games I've ever played. The comic artstyle is really nice and the music is quite chilling. The boss fights were also pretty neat, the game mechanics were all spot on, really I just wish a full game of this releases soon because this was fun as hell.



Spent about 3 hours in this game and still have no idea what it's about. The story is nonexistent because it's trying to be meta? Ok but the only 'meta' I've seen so far are shitty narrator jokes and me getting teleported to the home screen. The combat is not terrible but it's nothing to write home about. Not to mention the enemies are scaled super weird, they all seem to have absurdly high amounts of HP and barely recoil from most of your attacks. Icey can do some pretty cool combos though. Anyways a boring story carried by it's fairly average hack-and-slash combat is not a good fit for me. I may or may not finish this game.

This game may be below average but good lord the Icey fanart...

“Really sorry about your ass.”

(some spoilers for OG FF7’s first ten hours, no spoilers for FF7R)

I started this review series by listing my absolute favorite games; both because being positive feels good, but also to provide a kind of baseline for what to expect here, I suppose. In that same vein, I feel it’s also important to show contrast: if my favorites are all about pure mechanical expression and smooth, organic interactions, then FF7R, conversely, represents everything that holds games back to me. This thing is so rigid and limited that it somehow manages to feel more outdated than the turn-based 90s RPG it’s remaking. While FF7’s original design-ethos was built on detailed one-off environments, contextual storytelling and intuitive yet flexible battle mechanics, FF7R completely tears down all of these pillars, leaving in their place the kind of nightmare-hyperbole-parody that weebs are describing when they talk about the latest Call of Duty or Uncharted.

Action-adjacent Square RPGs like Dissidia or Crisis Core can have this tendency to not ground your actions in the game world very much — it’s the difference between button presses triggering canned interactions between actors, or throwing out an actual hitbox that I need to connect with the enemy. FF7R feels like the final form of this in the worst possible way: for as gnarly as the impact of Cloud’s flashy sword combos on enemy grunts may look on the surface, there isn’t actually any real physicality to how your attacks throw them around, nor does the addition of square-mashing add anything meaningful mechanically when compared to FF7. You quickly realize that your standard attacks don’t actually do appreciable damage and solely exist to pad out the time between ATB moves, a process that previously moved along on its own. No amount of alibi-action disguises the fact that this is, at its heart, still a turn-based RPG, where enemies weak to fire need to be hit with the fire spell and damage can’t be reliably avoided. You get about five hundred different ways to “parry” attacks, none of which actually require any careful timing on your end, but interact with enemies in ways that are completely arbitrary. The final boss in particular is a hilarious display of just how bad this game wants to look like a Devil May Cry, while still working under NES JRPG rules and refusing to adopt things like consistent telegraphing or hit reactions. In those instances, it’s some of the most shallow and repetitive action-gameplay imaginable.

Countless FF7R skill videos do show how much this new combat system can pop off, since it gives you control over when and how to queue up party attacks and provides some unique states for active positioning on the battlefield. What those videos all have in common though is that they're exclusively shot in the game’s VR challenge missions with precise Materia setups; ideal conditions for the system to shine that flat-out don’t exist in the rest of the game. Campaign mob fights run the gamut from boring to soul-crushingly tedious (those goddamn sewer fish guys,) while any fun you could be having with bosses is knee-capped by absurd damage gating and forced cutscene transitions that will eat any excess damage you put out that moment. This aspect should’ve been a top priority with the boss design considering how much combat revolves around slowly building up this Stagger bar, where the majority of the fight is spent purely setting up the boss for when you can finally lay the smack down (which, just like for FFXIII, already does a lot to make individual actions feel linear and meaningless.) The way all that damage will regularly evaporate into nothing due to factors completely outside your control feels like having a bag of Tetsuya Nomura-shaped bricks dropped right on your nutsack just as you’re about to cum.

Under that light, the proposition of digging into the Materia system and trying to get the most out of it is absolutely laughable. I can’t even begin to tell you how many boss fights I went into only to realize halfway through (after some kind of form-change or mechanical switch-up) that my setup wasn’t optimal, forcing me to either slog and fumble through the rest of the battle, or back out and start from scratch with this new knowledge. All that’s on top of the godforsaken menus you’re forced to work with that hit this abominable sweetspot between clunky stone-age level interface design and the suffocating swathe of meaningless skill trees you’ve come to expect from modern AAA games. How is it possible that healing outside of battle literally takes longer in this game than it did in Final Fantasy (just Final Fantasy. 1. the first one.) on the NES?

FF7R’s final Shinra HQ invasion has to be one of the worst isolated parts of any game I’ve ever played and represents a microcosm for how little it respects your time. Every issue I’ve discussed so far is amplified now that your party is split in half, with no way to quickly transfer setups between the two teams. Fights are now sandwiched between “””platforming””” sections that have Tifa monkey bar-ing by transitioning from one excruciatingly slow canned animation into the next. To get back to what I was saying in that second paragraph: for as much as Uncharted’s climbing for example is brain-dead easy, it at least provides some vague sense that I’m in control of a character in a physical setting, instead of giving commands to a robot on the fucking moon. The least you could say about Uncharted, also, is that it gives you shit to look at. What is the point of remaking the most popular JRPG of all time as this PS4 mega-game when that entails turning all of its handcrafted backgrounds into featureless copy-paste tunnels and compressed-to-shit JPEG skyboxes, all of which now necessitate what feels like hours upon hours of squeeze-through loading?

All that begs the question: what exactly did I push through this trash heap for in the end? I categorically reject the notion that a game this mechanically regressive can still come together purely as a vehicle for cutscenes or something, but even entertaining that idea for a minute has me confused over what the big deal is. My impression is that FF7R managing, against all expectations, to not be some Advent Children-level train wreck sapping any and all life out of these characters, is enough for it to come across as this masterful reexamination of the original story to many players (also that the whole cast is hot.) The reality is that, while some of the dialogue and character interactions does hit, this game is 40 hours long and naturally a lot of that extra time is padded out by your party members giving each other directions to hopefully not get lost in this FFXIII-ass level design. It’s pure filler and adds little of value to the existing story.

FF7R’s most crucial mistake, and why I’ve now realized this remake-series was an awful idea to begin with, is to think that just knowing wider information about a character will automatically make us care about them more. I first played the original in 2015, and back then, the deaths of Biggs, Wedge and Jessie legitimately shocked me. And it’s not because I was particularly attached to those characters — instead, it was all in the execution: sudden, unceremonious, unfair and way too soon. That’s the whole reason it worked, and it was a way to make you hate the faceless corporation that was Shinra that actually felt earned. FF7R not only tries to endear us to Avalanche by giving us exponentially more time with them, it bone-headedly draws out their deaths in a way that’s so corny and obvious it borders on parody. You’d think giving the villains more screen-time would be a harmless at-worst change, but presenting them as these hot badasses only makes this feel even more like some generic Shounen anime and less like the systemic fight against capitalism that was the original.

I’d be lying if I said the way they contextualize this remake within FF7’s overall story wasn’t kind of clever, but my gut tells me this twist is only gonna feel more lame as time passes. It’s already at the point where it derails any and all discussion about the game; where somehow being a little bit meta means all the shit about it that makes me want to off myself is actually intentional and smart. The literal first numero uno side-quest I did in FF7R involved crawling into some back-alley, killing a pack of rats, going back to the quest giver to be told I “didn’t kill the right rats,” heading to the same spot again and finally killing the new rats that just spawned there. The starting area this quest takes place in has to be one of the ugliest sections I’ve seen in any AAA game, with hazy washed out lighting and NPC animation that hasn’t evolved a bit from FFX on the PS2.

The most poignant experience I had in my time playing FF7R was in Wall Market. It's easily the most gassed-up part of the game online, mostly to do with the fact that it’s a vehicle for wacky anime cutscene shenanigans and how the characters ramp up the horny to the max of what a Square Enix game is comfortable with (that Don Corneo confrontation is cringeworthy with all the awkward pauses between lines.) In Wall Market, you can enter this bar. The barkeeper will ask you to sit down and have a drink. You can’t do either of those things; you just stand there as the NPCs around you gaze into the void.

FF7R is not the fully-realized mega budget dream version of Midgar we've all been salivating at the thought of, and it’s not some clever meta commentary either. No, I’m pretty sure it just sucks.

This VN made me trans fuck you Ryukishi you little shit I’m going to come over and show you what a real witch can look like

This review contains spoilers

It was an extremely bold decision to make something that came close to the highs of Until Dawn and then totally fuck it right at the end.

I was praying that I'd maybe gotten the bad ending, or a dodgy route, but no. The trophy popped congratulating me for keeping everyone alive. No resolution whatsoever. No further character interactions of any kind. Instead we are subjected to 30 minutes of credits talked over by two infuriating podcasters mentioning the clues we've picked up throughout the game. It is insufferable. Even if it's meant to be a deliberate joke about annoying true crime pods, it doesn't work because it's still annoying. I'm fuckin' done with "we're doing it on purpose". A wry smile is boring, and worse when you drag it out for half an hour. It genuinely feels like they ran out of money.

Supermassive had lightning in a bottle with Until Dawn, and have been trying to recapture it since. The Quarry had it momentarily, then they dropped the bottle, it smashed, they slipped in dogshit trying to pick it up and landed face first in the shards.

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

Incredibly accurate simulation of living in London